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thrill vt.&vi.(使)激动

/ Wril /

1. a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
• 兴奋,激动
 »the thrill of jumping out of an aeroplane.
  an experience that produces such a feeling
• 引起激动(或兴奋)的经历
  a wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation
• 震颤感;振动感
 »a thrill of excitement ran through her.
  (archaic)a throb or pulsation
[古] 跳动;颤动
  [Medicine] a vibratory movement or resonance heard through a stethoscope
[医] 震颤
1. [with obj.] cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
• 使非常兴奋(或激动);使震颤
 »his kiss thrilled and excited her.
 »I'm thrilled to bits.
 »[as adj. thrilling] a thrilling adventure.
  [no obj.] experience such feeling
• 感到非常兴奋(或激动)
 »thrill to the magic of the world 's greatest guitarist.
2. [no obj., with adverbial] (of an emotion or sensation) pass with a nervous tremor
• (情感,感觉)颤抖,振动
 »the shock of alarm thrilled through her.
  [no obj.] (poetic/literary)quiver or throb
[诗/文] 颤动;跳动
the thrill of the chase
1. pleasure and excitement derived from seeking something desired, especially a sexual relationship with someone
• 追求(尤指追逐性伴侣)的快感
thrills and spills
1. the excitement of dangerous sports or entertainments, as experienced by spectators
• 惊险刺激
thrillingly adverb
1. Middle English (as a verb in the sense 'pierce or penetrate'): alteration of dialect thirl 'pierce, bore'

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