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ticket n.票,门票,车票;标签;(交通违章)罚款单

/ 5tikit /

1. a piece of paper or card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event
• 票,券;车票;入场券;票证
 »admission is by ticket only.
  a receipt for goods that have been received
• (货物)收条
  (ticket to/out of)a method of getting into or out of (a specified state or situation)
• 达到…目的的方法(或手段、途径)
 »drugs are seen as the only ticket out of poverty.
 »companies that appeared to have a one-way ticket to profitability.
2. a certificate or warrant, in particular
• 证明(书),尤指
  an official notice of a traffic offence
• (交通)违章通知单,罚款单,传票
  a certificate of qualification as a ship's master, pilot, or other crew member
• (船员、飞行员等的)执照
  [Brit.] a certificate of discharge from the army
[英] 退役证书
3. a label attached to a retail product, giving its price, size, and other details
• (货物上标明价格、尺码等的)标签,签条
4. [in sing.] (chiefly N. Amer.)a list of candidates put forward by a party in an election
[主北美] (政党在竞选时提出的)候选人名单
 »his presence on the Republican ticket.
  a set of principles or policies supported by a party in an election
• (政党的)竞选纲领,政见
 »he stood for office on a strong right-wing, no-nonsense ticket.
5. (the ticket)[informal] the desirable or correct thing
[非正式] 恰好的事情;所需的东西
 »a wet spring would be just the ticket for the garden.
6. [with adj.] [Scottish & US informal] a person of a specified kind
[苏格兰,美,非正式] …人,…家伙
 »I think you're all a bunch of sick tickets.
(ticketed, ticketing), [with obj.]
1. issue (someone) with an official notice of a traffic or other offence
• 对…发出交通违章通知(或罚款单、传票);贴交通违章通知于
 »park illegally and you are likely to be ticketed.
2. (be ticketed)(of a passenger) be issued with a travel ticket
• (游客)获发门票
 »passengers can now get electronically ticketed.
   [US] be destined or heading for a specified state or position
[美] 注定
 »they were sure that Downing was ticketed for greatness.
3. (be ticketed)(of a retail product) be marked with a label giving its price, size, and other details
• 给(零售货物)加标签;标明
be tickets
1. [S. African informal] be the end
[南非,非正式] 死路一条,完蛋
 »if that man talks to the police, it's tickets for him.
have tickets on oneself
1. [Austral./NZ informal] be excessively proud of oneself
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 自高自大,自负
punch one's ticket
1. [US informal] deliberately undertake particular assignments that are likely to lead to promotion at work
[美,非正式] 有意承担能让自己升职的任务
write one's (own) ticket
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)dictate one's own terms
[非正式,主北美] 自定计划;自己规划前程
ticketless adjective
1. early 16th cent. (in the general senses 'short written note' and 'a licence or permit'): shortening of obsolete French étiquet, from Old French estiquet(te), from estiquier 'to fix', from Middle Dutch steken.
--› compare etiquette

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