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tidy a.整洁的;整齐的 v.整理,收拾,使...整洁

/ 5taidi /

(tidier, tidiest)
1. arranged neatly and in order
• 整洁的,整齐的
 »his scrupulously tidy apartment.
 »the lives they lead don't fit into tidy patterns.
  (of a person) inclined to keep things or one's appearance neat and in order
• (人)爱整洁的,爱整齐的
 »she was a tidy little girl.
  not messy; neat and controlled
• 有条理的;工整的
 »he wrote down her replies in a small, tidy hand.
2. [attrib.] [informal] (of an amount, especially of money) considerable
[非正式] (数量)相当大的;(尤指钱)相当多的
 »the book will bring in a tidy sum.
  used as a general term of approval
• 相当好的,令人满意的
 »City have the backbone of a tidy side.
(pl. -ies)
1. (也作 tidy-up)[in sing.] an act or spell of tidying something
• 整理,收拾
2. [usu. with modifier] a receptacle for holding small objects or waste scraps
• 装零星杂物的容器
 »a desk tidy.
3. (chiefly US)a detachable ornamental cover for a chair back
[主美] (椅子靠背的)罩单,套子
(-ies, -ied)
1. [with obj.] [常作 tidy someone/thing up] bring order to; arrange neatly[no obj.]
• 使整洁(或整齐);收拾
 »I'd better try to tidy my desk up a bit.
 »the Bill is intended to tidy up the law on this matter.
 »I'll just go and tidy up.
  (tidy something away)put something away for the sake of neatness
• (为使整洁而)移开,拿掉
 »I was tidying away papers in my office.
tidily adverb
tidiness noun
1. Middle English: from the noun tide + -y. The original meaning was 'timely, opportune'; it later had various senses expressing approval, usually of a person, including 'attractive', 'healthy', and 'skilful'; the sense 'orderly, neat' dates from the early 18th cent

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