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tiger n.虎;老虎

/ 5taiɡE /

1. a very large solitary cat with a yellow-brown coat striped with black, native to the forests of Asia but becoming increasingly rare
• (老)虎
2. Panthera tigris, family Felidae
• 拉丁名Panthera tigris,猫科
  used to refer to someone fierce, determined, or ambitious
• 强悍的人;劲头十足的人
 »despite his wound, he still fought like a tiger.
 »one of the sport's young tigers.
  [亦作tiger economy] a dynamic economy of one of the smaller East Asian countries, for example, that of Singapore, or South Korea
• (尤指东亚较小国家,如新加坡、韩国的)小龙经济
  (informal, chiefly Austral./NZ)a person with an insatiable appetite for something
[非正式,主澳/新西兰] 不知足的人
 »I'm a tiger for a bargain.
3. used in names of tiger moths and striped butterflies, e.g. scarlet tiger, plain tiger
• [用于灯蛾、斑纹蝴蝶的名称中,如scarlet tiger, plain tiger]
4. [Tigers] . another term for Tamil Tigers
• 同 Tamil Tigers
have a tiger by the tail (也作 be riding a tiger)
1. have embarked on a course of action which proves unexpectedly difficult but which cannot easily or safely be abandoned
• 处境比预料的困难
1. Middle English: from Old French tigre, from Latin tigris, from Greek

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