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tight a.紧的;紧身的,紧贴的 ad.紧紧地,牢牢地

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1. fixed, fastened, or closed firmly; hard to move, undo, or open
• 紧的;牢固的,不松动的
 »she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot.
  (of clothes or shoes) close-fitting, especially uncomfortably so
• (衣,鞋)紧(身)的;紧贴的
 »the dress was too tight for her.
  (of a grip) very firm so as not to let go
• 抓紧的,拽紧的
 »she released her tight hold on the dog.
 »presidential advisers keep a tight grip on domestic policy.
  (of a ship, building, or object) well sealed against something such as water or air
• (船、建筑或物体)密封的,不漏的,透不过的
 »[in combination] a light-tight container.
  (of a formation or a group of people or things) closely or densely packed together
• 紧密的;密集的;装得满满的
 »he levered the bishop out from a tight knot of clerical wives.
  (of a community or other group of people) having close relations; secretive
• 亲密的;紧密联合的;守口如瓶的
 »the folk were far too tight to let anyone know.
2. (of a rope, fabric, or surface) stretched so as to leave no slack; not loose
• (绳、织物或表面)拉紧的,绷紧的
 »the drawcord pulls tight.
  (of a part of the body or a bodily sensation) feeling painful and constricted, as a result of anxiety or illness
• (身体部位,感觉)憋闷的,阻塞的,不适的
 »there was a tight feeling in his gut.
  (of appearance or manner) tense, irritated, or angry
• 显得紧张的;愤怒的;生气的
 »she gave him a tight smile.
  (of a rule, policy, or form of control) strictly imposed
• (规则、政策或控制)严厉的,严格的
 »security was tight at yesterday's ceremony.
  (of a game or contest) with evenly matched competitors; very close
• (比赛,竞赛)比分十分接近的,胜负难定的
 »he won in a tight finish.
  (of a written work or form) concise, condensed, or well structured
• (作品,文风)简洁的,精练的;结构严谨的
 »a tight argument.
  (of an organization or group of people) disciplined or professional; well coordinated
• (组织,人员)严守纪律的;专业的;协调良好的
 »the vocalists are strong and the band is tight.
3. (of an area or space) having or allowing little room for manoeuvre
• (场地,空间)过于狭小的,无回旋余地的
 »a tight parking spot.
 »it was a tight squeeze in the tiny vestibule.
  (of a bend, turn, or angle) changing direction sharply; having a short radius
• (弯曲、拐弯或转角)陡的;急(转)的
  (of money or time) limited or restricted
• (钱)拮据的;(时间)紧的
 »David was out of work and money was tight.
 »an ability to work to tight deadlines.
  [informal] (of a person) not willing to spend or give much money; mean
[非正式] 小气的,吝啬的
4. [predic.] [informal] drunk
[非正式] 醉醺醺的
 »later, at the club, he will get tight on brandy.
1. very firmly, closely, or tensely
• 紧,紧紧地;牢牢地
 »he went downstairs, holding tight to the bannisters.
run a tight ship
1. be very strict in managing an organization or operation
• 严格管理
a tight corner (或 spot 或 place)
1. a difficult situation
• 困境;窘境
 »her talent for talking her way out of tight corners.
tightly adverb
tightness noun
1. Middle English (in the sense 'healthy, vigorous', later 'firm, solid'): probably an alteration of thight 'firm, solid', later 'close-packed, dense', of Germanic origin; related to German dicht 'dense, close'

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