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tilt vt.&vi.(使)倾斜

/ tilt /

1. move or cause to move into a sloping position[no obj.] (figurative)[喻]
• (使)倾斜,(使)侧倾
 »the floor tilted slightly.
 »the balance of industrial power tilted towards the workers.
 »[with obj.] he tilted his head to one side.
  (figurative)incline or cause to incline towards a particular opinion
[喻] (使)具倾向,(使)偏
 »[no obj., with adverbial] he is tilting towards a new economic course.
  [with obj.] move (a camera) in a vertical plane
• 俯仰(摄影机)
2. [no obj.] (tilt at)(historical)[喻] (in jousting) thrust at with a lance or other weapon
[史] (格斗中)持矛冲刺(或比武)
 »he tilts at his prey.
 »the lonely hero tilting at the system.
  (tilt with)(archaic)engage in a contest with
[古] 争论
 »I resolved never to tilt with a French lady in compliment.
1. a sloping position or movement
• 倾斜,侧倾
 »the tilt of her head.
 »mum's cup was on a tilt.
  an upwards or downwards pivoting movement of a camera
• (摄影机的)俯仰转动,上下摇摄
 »pans and tilts.
  an inclination or bias
• 倾向,偏向
 »the paper's tilt towards the United States.
  short for tilt cab or tilt hammer
• tilt cab 或 tilt hammer 的简称
  [Canadian] a small hut in a forest
[加] 林中小木屋
  [in place names] a slope or incline
• 斜坡;倾斜面
 »Glen Tilt.
2. (historical)a combat for exercise or sport between two men on horseback with lances; a joust
[史] 骑马持矛冲刺,马上比枪;比武
  (tilt at)an attempt at winning (something) or defeating (someone), especially in sporting contexts
• (尤指向体育目标发起的)冲刺,进攻
 »a tilt at the European Cup.
(at) full tilt
1. with maximum energy or force; at top speed
• 全力地;全速地
tilt at windmills
1. attack imaginary enemies or evils
• 同假想的敌人(或坏事)作斗争
tilter noun
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'fall or cause to fall, topple'): perhaps related to Old English tealt 'unsteady', or perhaps of Scandinavian origin and related to Norwegian tylten 'unsteady' and Swedish tulta 'totter'

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