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time n.时间,时刻;次,回;时代,时期;倍,乘

/ taim /

1. [mass noun] the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole
• 时(间)
 »travel through space and time.
 »one of the greatest wits of all time.
  the progress of this as affecting people and things
• 时光;光阴
 »things were getting better as time passed.
  time or an amount of time as reckoned by a conventional standard
• (以约定标准衡量出的)时间
 »it's eight o'clock New York Time.
  [Time 或 Father Time] the personification of time, typically as an old man with a scythe and hourglass
• 时间老人
2. a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon
• (钟、表上的)时间,时刻
 »the time is 9.30.
  a moment or definite portion of time allotted, used, or suitable for a purpose
• 规定(或适当)的时刻(或时段)
 »the scheduled departure time.
 »shall we fix a time for the meeting?
  [常作 time for/to do something] the favourable or appropriate time to do something; the right moment
• (做…的)合适时候,最佳时机
 »it was time to go.
 »it's time for bed.
  (a time)an indefinite period
• 一段时间
 »travelling always distorts one's feelings for a time.
  [亦作times] a more or less definite portion of time in history or characterized by particular events or circumstances
• 历史时期,时代;特定的一段时间
 »Victorian times.
 »at the time of Galileo.
 »the park is beautiful at this time of year.
  (也作 times)the conditions of life during a particular period
• 时势;世道
 »times have changed.
  (the Times)used in names of newspapers
• [用于报刊名]时报
 »the Oxford Times.
  (one's time)one's lifetime
• 一生
 »I've known a lot of women in my time.
  (one's time)the successful, fortunate, or influential part of a person's life or career
• 成功(或走运、鼎盛)的时候,风头正健之时
 »in my time that was unheard of.
  (one's time)the appropriate or expected time for something, in particular childbirth or death
• 特定时期;产期;死期
 »he seemed old before his time.
  an apprenticeship
• 学徒期
 »engineering officers traditionally served their time as fitters in the yards.
  [dated] a period of menstruation or pregnancy
[旧] 月经期;妊娠期
  [mass noun] the normal rate of pay for time spent working
• 计时工资率
 »if called out at the weekend they are paid time and a half.
  the length of time taken to run a race or complete an event or journey
• 所需(或所用)时间
 »his time for the mile was 3:49.31.
  [Brit.] the moment at which the opening hours of a public house end
[英] (酒吧)打烊时间
 »the landlord called time.
  short for full time :
• full time的简称
 »he scored the third five minutes from time.
  [Baseball & American Football] a moment at which play stops temporarily within a game
[棒球,美橄] 暂停
 »the umpire called time.
3. [mass noun] time as allotted, available, or used
• 规定时间;可用时间;所用时间
 »we need more time.
 »it would be a waste of time.
  [informal] a prison sentence
[非正式] 刑期
 »he was doing time for fraud.
4. an instance of something happening or being done; an occasion
• 次,回
 »this is the first time I have got into debt.
 »the nurse came in four times a day.
  an event, occasion, or period experienced in a particular way
• (经历的)一段…时间
 »she was having a rough time of it.
5. (times)(following a number) expressing multiplication
• [置于数字后]乘以;…倍
 »eleven times four is forty-four.
6. the rhythmic pattern of a piece of music, as expressed by a time signature
• 拍子,节拍
 »tunes in waltz time.
  the tempo at which a piece of music is played or marked to be played
• 速度;节奏
1. [with obj. and adverbial or infinitive] plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done
• 为…定时(或安排时间);控制…的速度
 »the first track race is timed for 11.15.
 »the bomb had been timed to go off an hour later.
  perform (an action) at a particular moment
• 在特定时间做(出)
 »Williams timed his pass perfectly from about thirty yards.
2. [with obj.] measure the time taken by (a process or activity, or a person doing it)
• 测定(或记录)…所花(或所需)时间
 »we were timed and given certificates according to our speed.
 »[with clause] I timed how long it took to empty that tanker.
3. [with obj.] (time something out)[Computing] (of a computer or a program) cancel an operation automatically because a predefined interval of time has passed without a certain event happening
[计算机] (电脑,程序)超时(退出)
about time
1. used to convey that something now happening or about to happen should have happened earlier
• 早该
 »it's about time I came clean and admitted it.
against time
1. with utmost speed, so as to finish by a specified time
• 争分夺秒,尽快
 »he was working against time.
ahead of time
1. earlier than expected or required
• 提前,提早
ahead of one's time
1. having ideas too enlightened or advanced to be accepted by one's contemporaries
• 想法太超前的,思想前卫的
all the time
1. at all times
• 一直,始终
  very frequently or regularly
• 常常,频繁地
 »we were in and out of each other's flats all the time.
at one time
1. in or during a known but unspecified past period
• 曾经,一度
 »she was a nurse at one time.
at the same time
1. simultaneously; at once
• 同时;即刻
2. nevertheless (used to introduce a fact that should be taken into account)
• 然而,不过
 »I can't really explain it, but at the same time I'm not convinced.
at a time
1. separately in the specified groups or numbers
• 每次,一次
 »he took the stairs two at a time.
at times
1. sometimes; on occasions
• 有时,间或
before time
1. before the due or expected time
• 提前,在原定时间以前
behind time
1. late
• 迟,晚
behind the times
1. not aware of or using the latest ideas or techniques; out of date
• 落后于时代;过时,老式
for the time being
1. for the present; until some other arrangement is made
• 眼下,暂时
give someone the time of day
1. [usu. with negative] be pleasantly polite or friendly to someone
• 对…礼貌(或友好)
 »I wouldn't give him the time of day if I could help it.
half the time
1. as often as not
• 一半时间;常常
have no time for
1. be unable or unwilling to spend time on
• 没时间(或不愿意)做
 »he had no time for anything except essays and projects.
  dislike or disapprove of
• 厌恶;反对,不赞成
 »he's got no time for airheads.
have the time
1. be able to spend the time needed to do something
• 能有时间
 »she didn't have the time to look very closely.
2. know from having a watch what time it is
• 因为有表而知道时间
in (less than) no time
1. very quickly or very soon
• 立即,马上
 »the video has sold 30,000 copies in no time.
in one's own time
1. (也作 in one's own good time)at a time and a rate decided by oneself
• 在自己做好准备时(或认为方便时);不着急地
2. [美 on one's own time] outside working hours; without being paid
• 在非工作时间,在业余时间;无偿地
in time
1. not late; punctual
• 没迟到;及时
 »I came back in time for Molly's party.
2. eventually
• 最终,迟早
 »there is the danger that he might, in time, not be able to withstand temptation.
3. in accordance with the appropriate musical rhythm or tempo
• 合拍,按照节拍
keep good (或 bad) time
1. (of a clock or watch) record time accurately (or inaccurately)
• (钟,表)走得准(或不准)
2. (of a person) be habitually punctual (or not punctual)
• (人)守时(或不守时)
keep time
1. play or rhythmically accompany music in time
• 按节拍演奏;跟着音乐节奏
lose no time
1. do a specified thing immediately or as soon as possible
• 立刻,马上;尽快
 »the administration lost no time in trying to regain the initiative.
not before time
1. used to convey that something now happening or about to happen should have happened earlier
• 早该发生的
no time
1. a very short interval or period
• 很快,一会儿
 »the renovations were done in no time.
on time
1. punctual ; punctually
• 准时,按时
 »the train was on time.
 »we paid our bills on time.
out of time
1. at the wrong time or period
• 不是时候;不合时宜
 »I felt that I was born out of time.
pass the time of day
1. exchange greetings or casual remarks
• 打招呼,寒暄
time after time (也作 time and again 或 time and time again)
1. on very many occasions; repeatedly
• 一再,屡次
time and tide wait for no man
1. (proverb)if you don't make use of a favourable opportunity, you may never get the same chance again
[谚] 岁月不等人
time immemorial
1. used to refer to a point of time in the past that was so long ago that people have no knowledge or memory of it
• 遥远的时代,很久(以前)
 »markets had been held there from time immemorial.
time is money
1. (proverb)time is a valuable resource, therefore it's better to do things as quickly as possible
[谚] 一寸光阴一寸金
the time of one's life
1. a period or occasion of exceptional enjoyment
• 一生中的美好时光
time out of mind
1. another way of saying time immemorial
• 同 time immemorial
time was
1. there was a time when
• 曾经
 »time was, each street had its own specialized trade.
(only) time will tell
1. the truth or correctness of something will (only) be established at some time in the future
• (只能)有待时间去证明
1. Old English tīma, of Germanic origin; related to tide, which it superseded in temporal senses. The earliest of the current verb senses (dating from late Middle English) is 'do (something) at a particular moment'

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