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tin n.罐头;一罐(在美国相当于can)

/ tin /

1. [mass noun] a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50[Symbol: Sn]
• (化学元素)锡([符号:Sn)]
  short for tinplate
• tinplate的简称
  [Brit. informal, dated] money
2. a metal container, in particular
• 金属容器,尤指
  (chiefly Brit.)an airtight sealed container for preserving food, made of tinplate or aluminium; a can
[主英] (马口铁或铝制的食物)密封罐;罐,听
 »she had opened a tin of beans.
  a lidded airtight container made of tinplate or aluminium
• 加盖(马口铁或铝制)密封罐
 »Albert got out the biscuit tin.
  the contents of such a container
• 罐头;罐装物
 »how many tins of paint would it take?
  an open metal container for baking food
• 烤模
 »grease a 450 g loaf tin.
  [Brit.] a rectangular loaf of bread baked in such a tin
[英] 长方形面包
(tinned, tinning)
1. [with obj.] cover with a thin layer of tin
• 在…上镀锡(或包锡)
 »the copper pans are correctly tinned inside.
1. Tin is quite a rare element, occurring chiefly in the mineral cassiterite. Pure crystalline tin exists in two allotropic modifications, the metallic form (white tin), and a semimetallic form (grey tin). It is used in various alloys, notably bronze, and for electroplating iron or steel sheets to make tinplate
have a tin ear
1. be tone-deaf
• 不能(或不善于)辨别音高的,不解音律的
put the tin lid on
1. another way of saying put the lid on (see lid )
• 同 put the lid on (见 lid)
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tin and German Zinn

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