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tip n.意见或建议,小窍门;小费

/ tip /

1. the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering
• 末梢,末端;尖端;顶端
 »George pressed the tips of his fingers together.
 »the northern tip of Scotland.
  a small piece or part fitted to the end of an object
• 顶端附加物
 »the rubber tip of the walking stick.
(tipped, tipping), [with obj.]
1. [usu. as adj. tipped] attach to or cover the end or extremity of
• 附在…的顶端;覆盖…的顶端
 »mountains tipped with snow.
 »[in combination] steel-tipped spears.
  colour (something) at its end or edge
• 在…顶端(或边缘)着色
 »velvety red petals tipped with white.
2. (tip a page in)(in bookbinding) paste a single page, typically an illustration, to the neighbouring page of a book by a thin line of paste down its inner margin
• (沿书页装订处)粘贴(插页,插图)
on the tip of one's tongue
1. used to indicate that one is almost but not quite able to bring a particular word or name to mind
• 就在某人的嘴边,某人差一点就能想起的
 »his name's on the tip of my tongue!.
  used to indicate that someone is about to utter a comment or question but thinks better of it
• 某人差一点说出口的
 »it was on the tip of his tongue to ask what was the matter.
the tip of the iceberg --› see iceberg
1. late Middle English: from Old Norse typpi (noun), typpa (verb), typptr 'tipped'; related to top
(tipped, tipping)
1. overbalance or cause to overbalance so as to fall or turn over
• (使)翻倒,打翻
 »[no obj.] the hay caught fire when the candle tipped over.
 »[with obj.] a youth sprinted past, tipping over her glass.
  be or cause to be in a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other
• 使倾斜(或侧倾)
 »[with obj. and adverbial] I tipped my seat back, preparing myself for sleep.
 »[no obj., with adverbial] the car had tipped to one side.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] cause (the contents of a container) to be emptied out by holding it at an angle
• 倾倒;倾卸
 »Sarah tipped the washing-up water down the sink.
  [no obj.] (it tips down, it is tipping down等)[Brit.] rain heavily
[英] (大雨)滂沱
2. [with obj.] strike or touch lightly
• 轻敲;轻触
 »I tipped his hoof with the handle of a knife.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] cause (an object) to move somewhere by striking or touching it in this way
• 轻击,轻推
 »his twenty-yard shot was tipped over the bar by Nixon.
3. [no obj.] (tip off)[Basketball] put the ball in play by throwing it up between two opponents
[篮球] 开球
1. [Brit.] a place where rubbish is left
[英] 垃圾倾倒场
  [informal] a dirty or untidy place
[非正式] 肮脏(或乱七八糟)的地方
 »your room's an absolute tip!.
2. [Baseball] a pitched ball that is slightly deflected by the batter
[棒球] 擦棒球
tip one's hand
1. [US informal] reveal one's intentions inadvertently
[美,非正式] 无意中流露自己的意图
tip one's hat [或cap]
1. raise or touch one's hat or cap as a way of greeting or acknowledging someone
• 以手触帽檐(或脱帽)致敬
tip (或 turn) the scales (或 balance)
1. (of a circumstance or event) be the deciding factor; make the critical difference
• (状况,事件)起决定性作用;扭转局面
 »her proven current form tips the scales in her favour.
tip (或 turn) the scales at
1. have a weight of (a specified amount)
• 称得重量为
 »this phone tips the scales at only 150 g.
1. late Middle English: perhaps of Scandinavian origin, influenced later by tip in the sense 'touch with a tip or point'. Current senses of the noun date from the mid 19th cent
1. a sum of money given to someone as a way of rewarding them for their services
• 小费,小账
2. a small but useful piece of practical advice
• 小建议;小忠告
  a prediction or piece of expert information about the likely winner of a race or contest
• (关于赛马、比赛的)内部情报,秘密消息;密报
 »Barry had a hot tip.
(tipped, tipping), [with obj.]
1. give (someone) a sum of money as a way of rewarding them for their services
• 付…小费
 »[with two objs] I tipped her five dollars.
 »[no obj.] that sort never tip.
2. [一般作 be tipped] [Brit.] predict as likely to win or achieve something
[英] 预计…有可能获胜(或获取)
 »she was widely tipped to get the job.
tip someone off
1. [informal] give someone information about something, typically in discreet or confidential way
[非正式] 向某人透露消息,暗中通知某人
 »they were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents.
tip someone the wink
1. [Brit. informal] give someone private information
[英,非正式] 向某人送暗号(或使眼色)
1. early 17th cent. (in the sense 'give, hand, pass'): probably from tip

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