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tissue 组织

/ 5tisju: /

noun, [mass noun]
1. any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products
• (动、植物的)组织
 »inflammation is a reaction of living tissue to infection or injury.
 »the organs and tissues of the body.
2. tissue paper
• 薄纸,绵纸;薄页纸
  [count noun] a disposable piece of absorbent paper, used especially as a handkerchief or for cleaning the skin
• 手巾纸;卫生纸
  rich or fine material of a delicate or gauzy texture
• 薄纱,薄绸;薄织物
 »[as modifier] the blue and silver tissue sari.
3. [in sing.] an intricate structure or network made from a number of connected items
• (罗织编造的)一套,一系列
 »such scandalous stories are a tissue of lies.
tissuey adjective (限义项 1)
1. late Middle English: from Old French tissu 'woven', past participle of tistre, from Latin texere 'to weave'. The word originally denoted a rich material, often interwoven with gold or silver threads, later (mid 16th cent.) any woven fabric, hence the notion of 'intricacy'

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