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toast v.举杯庆祝

/ tEust /

1. [mass noun] sliced bread browned on both sides by exposure to radiant heat, such as a grill or fire
• 烤面包(片),吐司
2. a call to a gathering of people to raise their glasses and drink together in honour of a person or thing, or an instance of drinking in this way
• 干杯;敬酒,祝酒
 »he raised his glass in a toast to his son.
  [in sing.] a person or thing that is very popular or held in high regard by a particular group of people
• 极受敬慕的人(或事物)
 »he found himself the toast of the baseball world.
verb, [with obj.]
1. cook or brown (food, especially bread or cheese) by exposure to a grill, fire, or other source of radiant heat
• 烤,烘(食品,尤指面包、干酪)
 »he sat by the fire and toasted a piece of bread.
 »[as adj. toasted] a toasted cheese sandwich.
  [no obj.] (of food) cook or become brown in this way
• (食品)烤熟,烘熟
 »place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted.
  warm (oneself or part of one's body) in front of a fire or other source or heat
• 使暖和
2. drink to the health or in honour of (someone or something) by raising one's glass together with others
• 为…举杯祝酒(或干杯)
 »happy families toasting each other's health.
 »he is toasted by the trade as the outstanding dealer in children's books.
be toast
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)be or be likely to become finished, defunct, or dead
[非正式,主北美] 完蛋了,倒霉了
 »one mistake and you're toast.
have someone on toast
1. [Brit. informal] be in a position to deal with someone as one wishes
[英,非正式] 任意摆布某人
1. late Middle English (as a verb in the sense 'burn as the sun does, parch'): from Old French toster 'roast', from Latin torrere 'parch'. The practice of drinking a toast (sense 2) goes back to the late 17th cent., and originated in naming a lady whose health the company was requested to drink, the idea being that the lady's name flavoured the drink like the pieces of spiced toast that were formerly placed in drinks such as wine
1. [no obj.] [usu. as noun toasting] (of a DJ) accompany a reggae backing track or music with improvised rhythmic speech
• (音乐主持人)用即兴演讲配以雷盖音乐
1. late 20th cent.: perhaps the same word as toast

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