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tone n.色调,光度;风气


1. the overall quality of a musical or vocal sound
• 音调,音质
 »the piano tone appears monochrome or lacking in warmth.
  a modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood
• 语气,口气
 »a firm tone of voice.
  a manner of expression in writing
• 写作风格,笔调
 »there was a general tone of ill-concealed glee in the reporting.
2. the general character of a group of people or a place or event
• (人群、地方或事件的)总体特性,风格,气氛
 »a bell would lower the tone of the place.
  [mass noun] [informal] an atmosphere of respectability or class
[非正式] 风格,格调
 »they don't feel he gives the place tone.
3. a musical sound, especially one of a definite pitch and character
• (尤指具体的)音调
  a musical note, warble, or other sound used as a particular signal on a telephone or answering machine
• (电话、应答机等的)音乐铃声
  [Phonetics] (in some languages, such as Chinese) a particular pitch pattern on a syllable used to make semantic distinctions
[语音] 声调,音调(汉语等语言中,通过音节声调区分词义)
  [Phonetics] (in some languages, such as English) intonation on a word or phrase used to add functional meaning
[语音] (英语等语言中,赋予单词或习语功能意义的)语调
4. (也作 whole tone)a basic interval in classical Western music, equal to two semitones and separating, for example, the first and second notes of an ordinary scale (such as C and D, or E and F sharp); a major second or whole step
• 全音
5. [mass noun] the particular quality of brightness, deepness, or hue of a tint or shade of a colour
• 色调
 »an attractive colour which is even in tone and texture.
 »[count noun] stained glass in vivid tones of red and blue.
  the general effect of colour or of light and shade in a picture
• (画的色调、明暗的)总体效果
  [count noun] a slight degree of difference in the intensity of a colour
• 色调度
6. (也作 muscle tone)[mass noun] the normal level of firmness or slight contraction in a resting muscle
• 肌肉的紧张性
  [Physiology] the normal level of activity in a nerve fibre
[生理] 神经纤维的正常活动状态
verb, [with obj.]
1. give greater strength or firmness to (the body or a part of it)
• 使(身体或其部位)强壮,结实
 »exercise tones up the muscles.
  [no obj.] (tone up)(of a muscle or bodily part) became stronger or firmer
• (肌肉,身体部位)变得更强壮,结实
2. [no obj.] (tone with)harmonize with (something) in terms of colour
• 与…颜色协调,和谐
 »the rich orange colour of the wood tones beautifully with the yellow roses.
3. [Photography] give (a monochrome picture) an altered colour in finishing by means of a chemical solution
[摄] (用化学溶液使黑白照片在润色时)变色
toned adjective
 »[in combination] the fresh-toned singing.
1. Middle English: from Old French ton, from Latin tonus, from Greek tonos 'tension, tone', from teinein 'to stretch'
tone something down
1. make something less harsh in sound or colour
• 使声音(或颜色)柔和
  make something less extreme or intense
• 使…缓和
 »she saw the need to tone down her protests.

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