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tool n.工具,用具;方法,手段

/ tu:l /

1. a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function
• (尤指手用)工具
 »gardening tools.
  a thing used in an occupation or pursuit
• (工作或职业中所用的)工具
 »computers are an essential tool.
 »the ability to write clearly is a tool of the trade.
  a person used or exploited by another
• 被利用的人
 »the beautiful Estella is Miss Havisham's tool.
  [Computing] a piece of software that carries out a particular function, typically creating or modifying another program
[计算机] 工具
2. a distinct design in the tooling of a book
• (书籍装订时的)压印图案
  a small stamp or roller used to make such a design
• 印模,墨辊,压印器(用来压印图案)
3. (vulgar slang)a man's penis
[粗俚] 阴茎
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be tooled] impress a design on (leather, especially a leather book cover)
• 在(皮革,尤指书籍的皮革封面)上压印图案
 »volumes bound in green leather and tooled in gold.
  dress (stone) with a chisel
• 凿刻(石头)
2. equip or be equipped with tools for industrial production
• (为生产而)配置设备
 »[with obj.] the factory must be tooled to produce the models.
 »[no obj.] they were tooling up for British production.
  (tool up 或 be tooled up)[Brit. informal] be or become armed, especially for criminal activity
[英,非正式] (尤指为犯罪活动而)武装
3. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] [informal] drive or ride in a casual or leisurely manner
[非正式] 悠闲自在地开车或乘车
 »tooling around town in a pink Rolls-Royce.
tooler noun
1. Old English tōl, from a Germanic base meaning 'prepare'; compare with taw. The verb dates from the early 19th cent

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