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tooth n.牙齿;齿状物;有效的手段

/ tu:W /

(pl. teeth )
1. each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing
• (绝大多数脊椎动物的)牙,齿
  a similar hard, pointed structure in invertebrate animals, typically functioning in the mechanical breakdown of food
• (无脊椎动物的)牙,齿
  an appetite or liking for a particular thing
• 口味;爱好
 »what a tooth for fruit a monkey has!.
  [mass noun] roughness given to a surface to allow colour or glue to adhere
• 粗糙面(颜料、胶水能黏附于上)
  (teeth)(figurative)genuine force or effectiveness of a body or in a law or agreement
[喻] (机构的)真正力量;(法律、协定的)真正作用,有效性
 »the Charter would be fine if it had teeth and could be enforced.
  (teeth)used in curses or exclamations
• 该死(骂人话,感叹词)
 »Hell's teeth!.
2. a projecting part on a tool or other instrument, especially one of a series that function or engage together, such as a cog on a gearwheel or a point on a saw or comb
• (工具、器具的)齿状物
  a projecting part on an animal or plant, especially one of a jagged or dentate row on the margin of a leaf or shell
• (动、植物的)齿状物
armed to the teeth
1. formidably armed
• 武装到牙齿,全副武装
fight tooth and nail
1. fight very fiercely
• 凶猛地打斗
get (或 sink) one's teeth into
1. work energetically and productively on (a task)
• 积极而富成效地工作;专注于
 »the course gives students something to get their teeth into.
in the teeth of
1. directly against (the wind)
• 逆(风)
  in spite of or contrary to (opposition or difficulty)
• 顶着,不顾(反对,困难)
 »we defended it in the teeth of persecution.
set someone's teeth on edge --› see edge
toothed adjective
tooth-like adjective
1. Old English tōth (plural tēth), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tand and German Zahn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin dent-, Greek odont-

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