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track vi.留下足迹

/ trAk /

1. a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed
• (尤指踩踏出来而非铺设的)小道,小径
 »follow the track to the farm.
 »a forest track.
  a prepared course or circuit for athletes, horses, motor vehicles, bicycles, or dogs to race on
• 跑道,车道,赛道
 »a Formula One Grand Prix track.
  [mass noun] the sport of running on such a track
• 径赛运动
  [一般作 tracks] a mark or line of marks left by a person, animal, or vehicle in passing
• 足迹,踪迹,车辙
 »he followed the tracks made by the police cars in the snow.
  the course or route followed by someone or something (used especially in talking about their pursuit by others)
• (被跟踪的)路线
 »I didn't want the Russians on my track.
  (figurative)a course of action; a way of proceeding
[喻] 行动方针;行为方式
 »defence budgeting and procurement do not move along different tracks from defence policy as a whole.
2. a continuous line of rails on a railway
• 铁路轨道,线路
  a metal or plastic strip or rail from which a curtain or spotlight may be hung or fitted
• 窗帘轨;活动投射灯的滑轨
  a continuous articulated metal band around the wheels of a heavy vehicle such as a tank or bulldozer, intended to facilitate movement over rough or soft ground
• (坦克、推土机的)履带
  [Electronics] a continuous line of copper or other conductive material on a printed circuit board, used to connect parts of a circuit
[电子] (印刷电路板的)印制线
  [Sailing] a strip on the mast, boom, or floor of a yacht along which a slide attached to a sail can be moved, used to adjust the position of the sail
[航海] (校正风帆位置的)滑条
3. a section of a record, compact disc, or cassette tape containing one song or piece of music
• (唱片,光盘,磁带上的)歌曲,音乐
 »the CD contains early Elvis Presley tracks.
  a lengthwise strip of magnetic tape containing one sequence of signals
• 磁带音轨
  the soundtrack of a film or video
• 电影(或录像)的声迹
4. the transverse distance between a vehicle's wheels
• (机动车辆轮胎的横向)轮距
5. US term for stream (in sense 3)
[美] stream (义项3)
verb, [with obj.]
1. follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in order to find them or note their location at various points
• 跟踪,追踪
 »secondary radars that track the aircraft in flight.
 »he tracked Anna to her room.
  (figurative)follow and note the course or progress of
[喻] 追随(某事)的进程
 »City have been tracking the striker since the summer.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] follow a particular course
• 沿着特定路线走
 »the storm was tracking across the ground at 30 mph.
  (of a stylus) follow (a groove in a record)
• (唱针在唱片纹道中)移动
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a film or television camera) move in relation to the subject being filmed
• (电影,电视摄影机)跟踪拍摄
 »the camera eventually tracked away.
  (track something up)[N. Amer.] leave a trail of dirty footprints on a surface
[北美] 留下脏足印
  (track something in)[N. Amer.] leave a trail of dirt, debris, or snow from one's feet
[北美] (从脚上)掉下一串灰(或碎块,雪)
 »the road salt I'd tracked in from the street.
2. [no obj.] (of wheels) run so that the back ones are exactly in the track of the front ones
• (前后车轮)轨迹吻合地移动
3. [no obj.] [Electronics] (of a tunable circuit or component) vary in frequency in the same way as another circuit or component, so that the frequency difference between them remains constant
[电子] 统调
in one's tracks
1. [informal] where one or something is at that moment; suddenly
[非正式] 就地,当场;突然
 »Turner immediately stopped dead in his tracks.
keep (或 lose) track of
1. keep (or fail to keep) fully aware of or informed about
• 保持(或失去)与…的联系
 »she had lost all track of time and had fallen asleep.
make tracks (for)
1. [informal] leave (for a place)
[非正式] 离开(去某地)
off the beaten track --› see beaten
off the track
1. departing from the right course of thinking or behaviour
• 出轨;离题
on the right (或 wrong) track
1. acting or thinking in a way that is likely to result in success (or failure)
• 循着正确(或错误)的路线
 »we are on the right track for continued growth.
on track
1. acting or thinking in a way that is likely to achieve what is required
• 在正道上;未离题(或目标);正确
 »formulas for keeping the economy on track.
the wrong side of the tracks
1. [informal] a poor or less prestigious part of town
[非正式] 城镇贫民窟
1. late 15th cent. (in the sense 'trail, marks left behind'): the noun from Old French trac, perhaps from Low German or Dutch trek 'draught, drawing'; the verb (current senses dating from the mid 16th cent.) from French traquer or directly from the noun
track someone/thing down
1. find someone or something after a thorough or difficult search
• (经过彻底、复杂的搜查而)跟踪找到;追查到;搜寻到
track up
1. (of a horse at the trot) create sufficient impulsion in its hindquarters to cause the hind feet to step on to or slightly ahead of the former position of the forefeet
• (小跑中的马)使马身后部有足够的冲力,后蹄能踏上或超过前蹄曾踩踏过的地方
track (square) with
1. [Austral. informal] carry on a romantic or sexual relationship with
[澳,非正式] 保持浪漫关系;保持性关系
1. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] tow (a canoe) along a waterway from the bank
• 从岸上拉(独木舟)前进
1. early 18th cent.: apparently from Dutch trekken 'to draw, pull, or travel'. The change in the vowel was due to association with track

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