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trail n.踪迹,痕迹;(乡间)小道 v.追踪,跟踪

/ treil /

1. a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone or something
• 足迹,痕迹,踪迹
 »a trail of blood on the grass.
  a track or scent used in following someone or hunting an animal
• (跟踪某人的)踪迹;(追踪动物的)臭迹
 »police followed his trail to Dorset.
  a part, typically long and thin, stretching behind or hanging down from something
• (尤指细长)一缕,一串
 »smoke trails.
 »trails of ivy.
  a line of people or things following behind each other
• 人或物排成的长队
 »we drove down in a trail of tourist cars.
2. a beaten path through rough country such as a wood or moor
• (荒野)小路,(树林、沼泽中踩出来的)小道,小径
  a route planned or followed for a particular purpose
• 特定路线,路径
 »the tourist trail.
  (也作 ski trail)[N. Amer.] a downhill ski run or cross-country ski route
[北美] 滑雪坡,滑雪道,越野滑雪路线
3. short for trailer (in sense 2)
• trailer(义项2)的简称
4. the rear end of a gun carriage, resting or sliding on the ground when the gun is unlimbered
• (炮架的)架尾
1. [with adverbial] draw or be drawn along the ground or other surface behind someone or something
• 拖,拉
 »[with obj.] Alex trailed a hand through the clear water.
 »[no obj.] her robe trailed along the ground.
  [no obj.] (typically of a plant) grow or hang over the edge of something or along the ground
• (尤指植物)蔓生,蔓延
 »the roses grew wild, their stems trailing over the banks.
  [with obj.] follow (a person or animal), typically by using marks, signs, or scent left behind
• (尤指根据痕迹、气味)追踪(人,动物)
  [no obj.] be losing to an opponent in a game or contest
• (在游戏、比赛中)落后
 »[with complement] the defending champions were trailing 10—5 at half-time.
2. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] walk or move slowly or wearily
• 拖沓行走;慢吞吞地走,没精打采地走
 »she trailed behind, whimpering at intervals.
  (of the voice or a speaker) fade gradually before stopping
• (声音,喇叭)渐弱
 »her voice trailed away.
3. [with obj.] advertise (something, especially a film or programme) in advance by broadcasting extracts or details
• 事先宣传,预告(影片、节目等)
4. [with obj.] apply (slip) through a nozzle or spout to decorate ceramic ware
• 喷注(泥釉)
at the trail
1. [Military] with a rifle hanging balanced in one hand and (in Britain) parallel to the ground
[军] 做持枪姿势
trail arms
1. [Military] let a rifle hang in such a way
[军] 持枪
trail one's coat
1. deliberately provoke a quarrel or fight
• 挑衅,寻衅滋事
1. Middle English (as a verb): from Old French traillier 'to tow', or Middle Low German treilen 'haul (a boat)', based on Latin tragula 'dragnet', from trahere 'to pull'. Compare with trawl. The noun originally denoted the train of a robe, later generalized to denote something trailing

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