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tramp vt.&vi.&n.步行,跋涉

/ trAmp /

1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] walk heavily or noisily
• 重步行走
 »he tramped about the room.
  walk through or over a place wearily or reluctantly and for long distances
• (艰难地)长途跋涉
 »we have tramped miles over mountain and moorland.
  [with obj.] tread or stamp on
• 踩,踏
 »one of the few wines still tramped by foot.
1. a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar
• 漂泊者,流浪汉,乞丐
2. [in sing.] the sound of heavy steps, typically of several people
• (尤指多人)沉重的脚步声
 »the tramp of marching feet.
3. [in sing.] a long walk, typically a tiring one
• (尤指令人疲惫的)长途跋涉
 »she was freshly returned from a tramp round Norwich.
4. [usu. as modifier] a cargo vessel that carries goods between many different ports rather than sailing a fixed route
• (航线不定的)货船
 »a tramp steamer.
5. (informal, chiefly US)a promiscuous woman
[非正式,主美] 荡妇,淫妇
6. a metal plate protecting the sole of a boot used for digging
• (为挖地而穿的长统靴底)金属片
  the top of the blade of a spade
• 铲尖
tramper noun
trampish adjective
1. late Middle English (as a verb): probably of Low German origin. The noun dates from the mid 17th cent

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