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transit 运输

/ 5trAnsit /

1. [mass noun] the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another
• 运送,运输,运载
 »a painting was damaged in transit.
  [count noun] an act of passing through or across a place
• 通过,经过
 »the first west-to-east transit of the Northwest Passage.
 »[as modifier] a transit airline passenger.
  [N. Amer.] the conveyance of passengers on public transport
[北美] 公共交通客运
  [Astronomy] the passage of an inferior planet across the face of the sun, or of a moon or its shadow across the face of a planet
[天文] 凌日
  [Astronomy] the apparent passage of a celestial body across the meridian of a place
[天文] 中天
  [Astrology] the passage of a celestial body through a specified sign, house, or area of a chart
(transited, transiting)
1. [with obj.] pass across or through (an area)
• 经过,穿过(某一地区)
 »the new large ships will be too big to transit the Panama Canal.
  [Astronomy] (of a planet or other celestial body) pass across (the face of another body, or a meridian)
[天文] (行星等天体)经过(另一天体,子午线)
  [Astrology] (of a celestial body) pass across (a specified sign, house, or area of a chart)
[占星] (天体)经过(黄道十二宫之一、住宅或星图区域)
1. late Middle English (denoting passage from one place to another): from Latin transitus, from transire 'go across'

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