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trash 废物

/ trAF /

noun, [mass noun]
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)discarded matter; refuse
[主北美] 废物,垃圾
  writing, art, or other cultural items of poor quality
• 拙劣的文学(或艺术、文化)作品
 »if they read at all, they read trash.
  a person or people regarded as being of very low social standing
• 社会地位很低的人(群)
 »she would have been considered trash.
2. (也作 cane trash)[W. Indian] the leaves, tops, and crushed stems of sugar cane, used as fuel
[西印度] (作燃料的)甘蔗叶,甘蔗渣
verb, [with obj.]
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)damage or wreck
[非正式,主北美] 捣毁,毁坏
 »my apartment's been totally trashed.
• 丢弃
 »they trashed the tapes and sent her back into the studio.
  [Computing] kill (a file or process) or wipe (a disk)
[计算机] 把(文件,程序)送进回收站删除;清空(磁盘)
  criticize severely
• 严厉批评,抨击
 »trade associations trashed the legislation as deficient.
  [as adj. trashed] intoxicated with alcohol or drugs
• 喝醉了的,(服用毒品而)亢奋的
 »there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed.
2. strip (sugar canes) of their outer leaves to ripen them faster
• 剥(甘蔗)皮以使其更快成熟
1. late Middle English: of unknown origin. The verb is first recorded (mid 18th cent.) in sense 2; the other senses have arisen in the 20th cent

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