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treat v.&n.对待,处理;医疗,治疗;款待,请客

/ tri:t /

verb, [with obj.]
1. behave towards or deal with in a certain way
• 对待
 »she had been brutally treated.
 »he treated her with grave courtesy.
  (treat something as)regard something as being of a specified nature with implications for one's actions concerning it
• 看待,视为
 »the names are being treated as classified information.
  give medical care or attention to; try to heal or cure
• 医疗,医治
 »the two were treated for cuts and bruises.
  apply a process or a substance to (something) to protect or preserve it or to give it particular properties
• 处理
 »linen creases badly unless it is treated with4 the appropriate finish.
  present or discuss (a subject)
• 陈述,讨论(某主题)
 »the lectures show a striking variation in the level at which subjects are treated.
2. (treat someone to)provide someone with (food, drink, or entertainment) at one's own expense
• (用食物、饮料或娱乐)款待某人
 »he treated her to a slap-up lunch.
  give someone (something) as a favour
• 把(某物)给某人以示好感
 »he treated her to one of his smiles.
  (treat oneself)do or have something that gives one great pleasure
• 做使自己快乐的事
 »treat yourself—you can diet tomorrow.
3. [no obj.] negotiate terms with someone, especially an opponent
• (尤指与对手)商谈,谈判
 »propagandists claimed that he was treating with the enemy.
1. an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure
• (不同一般的)乐事,乐趣
 »he wanted to take her to the pictures as a treat.
  used with a possessive determiner to indicate that the person specified is paying for food, entertainment, etc., for someone else
• 做东(与物主限定词连用,表示某人请客)
 »‘My treat,’ he insisted, reaching for the bill.
—— a treat
1. [Brit. informal] used to indicate that someone or something does something specified very well or satisfactorily
[英,非正式] (做得)极出色
 »their tactics worked a treat.
  used to indicate that someone is looking attractive
• 有魅力的人
 »I don't know whether she can act, but she looks a treat.
treatable adjective
treater noun
1. Middle English (in the senses 'negotiate' and 'discuss (a subject)'): from Old French traitier, from Latin tractare 'handle', frequentative of trahere 'draw, pull'. The current noun sense dates from the mid 17th cent

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