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up ad.向上,...起来;...完;起床 prep.向上


1. towards the sky or a higher position
• 向上,向较高处
 »he jumped up.
 »two of the men hoisted her up.
 »the curtain went up.
• 到楼上
 »she made her way up to bed.
  out of bed
• 起床
 »Miranda hardly ever got up for breakfast.
 »he had been up for hours.
  (of the sun) visible in the sky after daybreak
• (太阳)升起
 »the sun was already up when they set off.
  expressing movement towards or position in the north
• 向北方
 »driving up to Inverness to see the old man.
  to or at a place perceived as higher
• 向高处
 »going for a walk up to the shops.
  towards or in the capital or a major city
• 往(或在)首都(或重要城市)
 »give me a ring when you're up in London.
  [Brit.] at or to a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge
[英] 往(或在)大学(尤指牛津或剑桥)
 »they were up at Cambridge about the same time.
  (of food that has been eaten) regurgitated from the stomach
• (吐)出来
 »I was ill and vomited up everything.
  [as exclamation] used as a command to a soldier or an animal to stand up and be ready to move or attack
• (用于命令士兵或动物)起来,起立
 »up, boys, and at 'em.
2. to the place where someone is
• 靠近(某人)
 »Dot didn't hear Mrs Parvis come creeping up behind her.
3. at or to a higher level of intensity, volume, or activity
• (强度,音量,活动)由弱到强,由低到高,由轻到响
 »she turned the volume up.
 »liven up the graphics.
 »US environmental groups had been stepping up their attack on GATT.
  at or to a higher price, value, or rank
• (价格,价值,等级)由低到高
 »sales are up 22.8 per cent at $50.2 m.
  销售提高了 22. 8%,每米50. 2美元。
 »unemployment is up and rising.
  winning or at an advantage by a specified margin
• 高出,多
 »United were 3–1 up at half time.
 »we came away £300 up on the evening.
4. into the desired or a proper condition
• 进入预想运转状态
 »the government agreed to set up a committee of inquiry.
  so as to be finished or closed
• 彻底地,完全地
 »I've got a bit of paperwork to finish up.
 »he zipped up the holdall.
5. into a happy mood
• 进入快乐状态
 »I don't think anything's going to cheer me up.
6. displayed on a noticeboard or other publicly visible site
• 公开展示地
 »sticking up posters to advertise concerts.
  (of points in a game) scored or registered on a scoreboard
• (比赛分数)登上记分牌
7. (of sailing) against the current or the wind
• (航行)逆风(或水)地
  (of a ship's helm) moved round to windward so that the rudder is to leeward
• (舵柄)迎风转舵
8. [Baseball] at bat
[棒球] 上场击球
 »every time up, he had a different stance.
1. from a lower to a higher point on (something); upwards along
• 往…上端,沿…往上
 »she climbed up a flight of steps.
  from one end to another of (a street or other area), not necessarily with any noticeable change in altitude
• 向(街道等)较远处,沿…而去
 »cycling up St Giles towards North Oxford.
 »walking up the street.
  to a higher part of (a river or stream), away from the sea
• 往(河溪)上游
 »a cruise up the Rhine.
  [informal] at or to (a place, typically one considered interesting or sophisticated)
[非正式] 到;在(尤指向往之地)
 »going up the Palais.
1. [attrib.] directed or moving towards a higher place or position
• 向上的,上行的
 »the up escalator.
  relating to or denoting trains travelling towards the major point on a route
• (列车)上行的;去主要站的
 »the first up train.
  [Physics] denoting a flavour of quark having a charge of +23. Protons and neutrons are thought to be composed of combinations of up and down quarks
[物理] (夸克的味)带有 +2/3电荷的。 质子和中子被认为是由带-1/3和+2/3电荷的夸克组成
2. [predic.] (of the road) being repaired
• (道路)正在整修的
3. (of a jockey) in the saddle
• (骑师)骑着马的
4. [predic.] in a cheerful mood; ebullient
• 高兴的,情绪高涨的
 »the mood here is resolutely up.
  [Brit. dated] (of a drink) effervescent; frothy
[英,旧] (饮料)起泡的
5. [predic.] (of a computer system) functioning properly
• (计算机系统)运行正常的
 »the system is now up.
6. [predic.] at an end
• 完成的,完结的
 »his contract was up in three weeks.
 »time's up.
1. [informal] a period of good fortune
[非正式] 走运
 »you can't have ups all the time in football.
(upped, upping)
1. [no obj.] (up and do something)[informal] do something abruptly or boldly
[非正式] 突然做
 »she upped and left him.
2. [with obj.] cause (a level or amount) to be increased
• (水平,数目)提高,使上升
 »capacity will be upped by 70 per cent next year.
3. [with obj.] lift (something) up
• 举起,抬起
 »everybody was cheering and upping their glasses.
  [no obj.] (up with)(informal, chiefly W. Indian & US)raise or pick up (something)
[非正式,主西印度,美] 拿起,举起
 »this woman ups with a stone.
it is all up with
1. [informal] it is the end or there is no hope for (someone or something)
[非正式] 对…,一切都完了
on the up and up
[informal 非正式]
1. [Brit.] steadily improving or becoming more successful
[英] 稳步提高
2. (chiefly N. Amer.)honest or sincere
[主北美] 诚实的,正直的
something is up
1. [informal] something unusual or undesirable is happening or afoot
[非正式] 不寻常(或不好)的事发生了
up against
1. close to or in contact with
• 靠近;接触
 »crowds pressed up against the police barricades.
  [informal] confronted with or opposed by
[非正式] 面对,面临
 »I began to think of what teachers are up against today.
up against it
1. [informal] facing some serious but unspecified difficulty
[非正式] 面对某种困难,面临某种困境
 »they play better when they're up against it.
up and about
1. no longer in bed (after sleep or an illness)
• (睡眠或生病后) 起床;下床
up and doing
1. active ; busy
• 忙碌的,积极肯干的
 »a normal young chap wants to be up and doing.
up and down
1. moving upwards and downwards
• 一上一下,起伏
 »bouncing up and down.
2. to and fro
• 来来回回,往返地
 »pacing up and down in front of her desk.
  [as prep.] to and fro along
• 来来回回,往返地
 »strolling up and down the corridor.
3. in various places throughout
• 到处,处处
 »in clubs up and down the country.
4. [informal] in varying states or moods; changeable
[非正式] (情绪,状态)多变的
 »my relationship with her was up and down.
up and running
1. (especially of a computer system) in operation; functioning
• (尤指计算机系统)运行中
 »the new computer is up and running.
up the ante
1. 见ante
up before
1. appearing for a hearing in the presence of
• 出庭面对
 »we'll have to come up before a magistrate.
up for
1. available for
• 正待
 »the house next door is up for sale.
2. being considered for
• 被考虑
 »he had been up for promotion.
3. due for
• 到期
 »his contract is up for renewal in June.
up for it
1. [informal] ready to take part in (a particular activity)
[非正式] 准备参加
 »Nigel was really up for it, as always.
up hill and down dale
1. all over the place
• 到处
 »he led me up hill and down dale till my feet were dropping off.
  他领着我到处走,直到我的腿都快断了。2. well informed about
• 了解
 »he was up on the latest methods.
up sticks
1. 见stick
up to
1. as far as
• 远至,直至
 »I could reach just up to his waist.
  (也作 up until)until
• 直至
 »up to now I hadn't had a relationship.
2. indicating a maximum amount
• 表示可达到的最大数量
 »the process is expected to take up to two years.
3. [with negative or in questions] as good as; good enough for
• 达到,及得上
 »I was not up to her standards.
  capable of or fit for
• 胜任;适于
 »he is simply not up to the job.
4. the duty, responsibility, or choice of (someone)
• 职责,责任
 »it was up to them to gauge the problem.
5. [informal] occupied or busy with
[非正式] 忙于
 »what's he been up to?
up top
1. [Brit. informal] in the brain (with reference to intelligence)
[英,非正式] 头脑里(指智力)
 »a man with nothing much up top.
up with ——
1. an exclamation expressing support for a stated person or thing
• 好!棒极了!
up yours
1. (vulgar slang)an exclamation expressing contemptuous defiance or rejection of someone
[粗俚] 操你的!呸!
what's up?
1. what is going on?
• 发生了什么事?
2. what is the matter?
• 怎么了
 » what's up with you?
1. Old English up(p), uppe, of Germanic origin: related to Dutch op and German auf

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