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veil vt.以面纱遮掩vi.遮盖

/ veil /

1. a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face
• 面纱;面罩
 »a white bridal veil.
  a piece of linen or other fabric forming part of a nun's headdress, resting on the head and shoulders
• (修女)头巾
  a thing that conceals, disguises, or obscures something
• 遮盖物;掩饰物
 »shrouded in an eerie veil of mist.
  [Botany] a membrane which is attached to the immature fruiting body of some toadstools and ruptures in the course of development, either (universal veil) enclosing the whole fruiting body or (partial veil) joining the edges of the cap to the stalk
[植] 菌幕
  (in Jewish antiquity) the piece of precious cloth separating the sanctuary from the body of the Temple or the Tabernacle
• (古犹太教)圣布
1. [with obj.] cover with or as though with a veil
• (似)以面纱遮掩
 »she veiled her face.
  [usu. as adj. veiled] partially conceal, disguise, or obscure
• 掩饰;隐蔽
 »a thinly veiled threat.
beyond the veil
1. in a mysterious or hidden place or state, especially the unknown state of life after death
• 死后未知世界
draw a veil over
1. avoid discussing or calling attention to (something), especially because it is embarrassing or unpleasant
• 避而不谈;隐瞒
take the veil
1. become a nun
• 当修女
veilless adjective
1. Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French veil(e), from Latin vela, plural of velum (see velum )

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