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view n.看法,见解,观点;vt.看待,考虑,估量

/ vju: /

1. [mass noun] the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place
• 视力;视野;视线
 »the end of the tunnel came into view.
 »[count noun] they stood on the bar to get a better view.
  [count noun] a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place
• 景色,美景
 »a fine view of the castle.
  [count noun] a work of art depicting such a sight
• 风景画;风景照片
  [count noun] the visual appearance or an image of something when looked at in a particular way
• 图像, 视图
 »an aerial view of the military earthworks.
  [count noun] an inspection of things for sale by prospective purchasers, especially of works of art at an exhibition
• (预期客户对商品,尤指艺术展品)观看预展,预览
2. a particular way of considering or regarding something; an attitude or opinion
• 看法,意见,想法,观点
 »strong political views.
1. [with obj.] look at or inspect (something)
• 观看;查看
 »the public can view the famous hall with its unique staircase.
  inspect (a house or other property) with the intention of possibly buying or renting it
• (购买或租用前)预看(房屋或其他地产)
  watch (something) on television
• 在电视上观看
  [Hunting] see (a fox) break cover
[猎] 看见(狐狸)离开隐藏处
2. [with obj. and adverbial] regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude
• 看待;考虑;估量,估料
 »farmers are viewing the rise in rabbit numbers with concern.
in full view
1. clearly visible
• 尽收眼底
in view
1. visible to someone
• 看得见的
 »the youth was keeping him in view.
  as one's aim or objective
• 作为目标
 »the operation they had in view.
  in one's mind when forming a judgement
• (为作判断)考虑
 »it is important to have in view the position reached at the beginning of the 1970s.
in view of
1. because or as a result of
• 鉴于,由于,考虑到
on view
1. (especially of a work of art) being shown or exhibited to the public
• (尤指艺术作品)陈列,展出
  easily visible
• 易看见的,显眼的
 »it is advisable not to leave handbags on view.
with a view to
1. with the hope, aim, or intention of
• 以盼,着眼于,以…为目的
viewable adjective
1. Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French vieue, feminine past participle of veoir 'see', from Latin videre. The verb dates from the early 16th cent

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