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wake v.醒,醒来;唤醒;使认识到,激动,引起

/ weik /

(past woke 或美,方,古 waked; past participle woken 或美,方,古 waked)
1. emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping
• 醒,醒来;唤醒
 »[no obj.] she woke up feeling better.
 »[with obj.] I woke him gently.
  [no obj.] (wake up to)become alert to or aware of
• 变得警觉;意识到
 »he needs to wake up to reality.
  [with obj.] (figurative)cause (something) to stir or come to life
[喻] 引起,激起,唤起
 »it wakes desire in others.
2. [with obj.] (dialect, chiefly Irish or US )hold a vigil beside (someone who has died)
[方,主爱尔兰,美 ] 为(死者)守夜;为…守灵
 »we waked Jim last night.
1. a watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died, sometimes accompanied by ritual observances including eating and drinking
• 守夜;守灵
  (especially in Ireland) a party held after a funeral
[尤用于爱尔兰] 葬礼后的守灵聚会
【Old Norse】
1. (wakes)[treated as sing.] (chiefly historical)(in some parts of the UK) a festival and holiday held annually in a rural parish, originally on the feast day of the patron saint of the church
[主史] (英国一些地区的)守护神节日(乡村教区一年一度的节日,原在教堂守护神的节日举行)
wake up and smell the coffee
1. [usu. in imperative] (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)become aware of the realities of a situation, however unpleasant
[非正式,主北美] 清醒一点,面对现实
waker noun
1. Old English (recorded only in the past tense wōc), also partly from the weak verb wacian 'remain awake, hold a vigil', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch waken and German wachen; compare with watch
1. a trail of disturbed water or air left by the passage of a ship or aircraft
• (船)尾波,航迹;(飞机)尾流
  (figurative)used to refer to the aftermath or consequences of something
[喻] 后果,结果
 »the committee was set up in the wake of the inquiry.
in the wake of
1. following (someone or something), especially as a consequence
1. late 15th cent. (denoting a track made by a person or thing): probably via Middle Low German from Old Norse vǫk, vaka 'hole or opening in ice'

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