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walk v.走,步行,散步;走遍 n.走,步行,散步

/ wC:k /

1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial] move at a regular and fairly slow pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once
• 走,步行
 »I walked across the lawn.
 »she turned and walked a few paces.
  use similar movements but of a different part of one's body or a support
• (不用脚)行走
 »he could walk on his hands carrying a plate on one foot.
  go on foot for recreation and exercise
• 散步;漫步
 »you can walk in 21,000 acres of mountain and moorland.
  [with obj.] travel along or over (a route or area) on foot
• 沿(某线路)行走,走过(某地区)
 »the police department has encouraged officers to walk the beat.
  (of a quadruped) proceed with the slowest gait, always having at least two feet on the ground at once
• (四足动物)慢步走
  [with obj.] ride (a horse) at this pace
• 骑(马)慢步走
 »he walked his horse towards her.
  [informal] (of a thing) go missing (typically used to suggest that it has been stolen)
[非正式] (东西)不见了(尤用于暗示某物已被盗)
 »anything walks if it is not properly secured and locked.
  [N. Amer. informal] abandon or suddenly withdraw from a job, commitment, or situation
[北美,非正式] 放弃;突然退出
  [N. Amer. informal] be released from suspicion or from a charge
[北美,非正式] 解脱嫌疑,免受控告
 »had any of the others come clean during the trial, he might have walked.
  used to suggest that someone has achieved a state or position easily or undeservedly
• 轻易地(或不当地)获得地位(或职位)
 »no one has the right to walk straight into a well-paid job for life.
  (of a ghost) be present and visible
• (鬼魂)出现,出来
 »the ghosts of Bannockburn walked abroad.
  (archaic)used to describe the way in which someone lives or behaves
[古] 生活;处事
 »walk humbly with your God.
  [Cricket] (of a batsman) leave the field without waiting to be given out by the umpire
[板球] (击球手不等裁判指示)离开球场
  [Baseball] reach first base automatically after not hitting at four balls pitched outside the strike zone
[棒球] 自由上垒
  [with obj.] [Baseball] allow or enable (a batter) to do this
[棒球] 使(击球员)自由上垒
2. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] cause or enable (someone or something) to walk or move as though walking
• 使行走,使…行走似的移动
 »she walked her fingers over the dresses.
  guide, accompany, or escort (someone) on foot
• 给…领路;陪同…走路;步行护送
 »he walked her home to her door.
 »a meeting to walk parents through the complaint process.
  [with obj.] take (a domestic animal, typically a dog) out for exercise
• 遛(家畜,尤指狗)
 »she spotted a man walking his retriever.
  [with obj.] train and look after (a hound puppy)
• 训练并看护(小猎犬)
1. an act of travelling or an excursion on foot
• 走,步行,行走;散步
 »he was too restless to sleep, so he went out for a walk.
  [in sing.] used to indicate the time that it will take someone to reach a place on foot or the distance that they must travel
• 行走时间;步行路程
 »the library is within five minutes' walk.
  a route recommended or marked out for recreational walking
• (游乐步行)路线
  a path
• 小路
  (chiefly Brit.)the round followed by a postman
[主英] (邮递员)负责服务的地区
  a part of a forest under one keeper
• (护林人)管辖林区
  the place where a gamecock is kept
• 斗鸡场
  (chiefly Brit.)a farm where a hound puppy is sent for training and to accustom it to various surroundings
[主英] 训练小猎犬的饲养场
2. [in sing.] an unhurried rate of movement on foot
• 缓慢步行
 »they crossed the field at a leisurely walk.
  the slowest gait of an animal
• (动物)最慢的步法
  a person's manner of walking
• 步态
 »the spring was back in his walk.
3. [Baseball] an instance of reaching first base automatically after not hitting at four balls pitched outside the strike zone
[棒球] 自由上垒
walk all over
1. [informal] treat in a thoughtless, disrespectful, and exploitative manner
[非正式] 蹂躏
 »you don't want to let the cops walk all over you.
  defeat easily
• 轻易地击败
walk before one can run
1. grasp the basic skills before attempting something more difficult
• 先学走后学跑(先掌握基本技能,然后再试图做更难的事情)
walking encyclopedia
1. (也作 walking dictionary)[informal] a person who has an impressive knowledge of facts or words
[非正式] 活词典
walk the boards --› see board
walk it
1. make a journey on foot rather than riding or in a vehicle
• 徒步旅行
2. [informal] achieve a victory easily
[非正式] 轻易取胜
walk Matilda
1. see Matilda
walk someone off their feet
1. walk with someone until they are exhausted
• 使某人走得脚软腿酸
walk of life
1. the position within society that someone holds or the part of society to which they belong as a result of their job or social status
• 行业,职业;地位
 »the courses attracted people from all walks of life.
walk on air --› see air
walk on eggshells
1. be extremely cautious about one's words or actions
• 谨言慎行
walk one's talk
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)suit one's actions to one's words
[主北美] 言行一致
walk the plank --› see plank
walk the streets
1. walk freely in a town or city
• 在街上自由漫步
2. work as a prostitute
• 当妓女
walk the wards
1. [dated] gain experience as a clinical medical student
[旧] 在医院里实习
win in a walk
1. [US] win without effort or competition
[美] 轻易取胜
walkable adjective
1. Old English wealcan 'roll, toss', also 'wander', of Germanic origin. The sense 'move about', and specifically 'go about on foot', arose in Middle English
walk away
1. easily, casually, or irresponsibly abandon a situation in which one is involved or for which one is responsible
• 轻易脱身,随便离开岗位
walk away with
1. [informal] . another way of saying walk off with
[非正式] walk off with
walk in on
1. enter suddenly or unexpectedly
• 突然进来
  intrude on
• 闯入
 »he was clearly not expecting her to walk in on him just then.
walk into
1. [informal] encounter or become involved in through ignorance or carelessness
[非正式] (因无知或不慎而)陷入
 »I had walked into a situation from which there was no escape.
walk off with
[informal 非正式]
1. steal
• 偷走
2. win
• 夺走
 »the group walked off with a silver medal.
walk something off
1. take exercise on foot in order to undo the effects of a heavy meal
• 散步以帮助消化
walk out
1. depart suddenly or angrily
• 突然离去;气愤地离去
  leave one's job suddenly
• 突然辞职
  go on strike
• 罢工
  abandon someone or something towards which one has responsibilities
• 抛弃所负责的人(物)
 »he walked out on his wife.
2. [Brit. informal, dated] go for walks in courtship
[英,非正式,旧] (恋爱时)散步
 »you were walking out with Tom.
walk over
1. [informal] . another way of saying walk all over
[非正式] walk all over
2. traverse (a racecourse) without needing to hurry, because one has no opponents or only inferior ones
• (无竞争者或没有强劲竞争对手时)慢速走完(跑场)
walk up!
1. [Brit.] used by a showman as an invitation to a circus or other show
[英] 请进!(马戏团或其他表演招徕观众用语)
 »walk up and have a look.

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