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wall n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开

/ wC:l /

1. a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land
• 围墙
 »a garden wall.
 »farmland traversed by drystone walls.
  a side of a building or room, typically forming part of the building's structure
• 墙,墙壁
  any high vertical surface or facade, especially one that is imposing in scale
• (尤指宏大的)峭立面
 »the eastern wall of the valley.
 »a wall of sound.
  a thing perceived as a protective or restrictive barrier
• 屏障,壁垒
 »a wall of silence.
  [Soccer] a line of defenders forming a barrier against a free kick taken near the penalty area
[英足] 人墙
  short for climbing wall
• climbing wall的简称
  [Mining] the rock enclosing a lode or seam
[矿] 围住矿脉(或矿层)的岩石
  [Anatomy & Zoology] the membranous outer layer or lining of an organ or cavity
 »the wall of the stomach.
[生] 见cell wall
  (the Wall). short for Berlin Wall
• Berlin Wall的简称
2. another term for wall brown
• 同 wall brown
1. [with obj.] enclose (an area) within walls, especially to protect it or lend it some privacy
• 用墙围住(一区域)
 »housing areas that are walled off from the indigenous population.
  (wall something up)block or seal a place by building a wall around or across it
• 砌墙堵住
 »one doorway has been walled up.
  (wall someone/thing in/up)confine or imprison someone or something in a restricted or sealed place
• 把…关起来;禁闭
 »the grey tenements walled in the space completely.
between you and me and the wall
--› see bedpost
drive someone up the wall
1. [informal] make someone very irritated or angry
[非正式] 使某人非常恼火
go to the wall
[informal 非正式]
1. (of a business) fail; go out of business
• (生意)失败
2. support someone or something, no matter what the cost to oneself
• (不计代价)支持
 »the tendency for poets to go to the wall for their beliefs.
hit the wall
1. (of an athlete) experience a sudden loss of energy in a long race
• (长跑运动员)突然跑不动了
off the wall
N. Amer. informal
1. eccentric or unconventional
• 古怪的;不寻常的
2. (of a person) angry
• (人)生气的
 »the president was off the wall about the article.
3. (of an accusation) without basis or foundation
• (指控)无根据的
walls have ears
1. (proverb)be careful what you say as people may be eavesdropping
[谚] 隔墙有耳
1. (of a carpet or other floor covering) fitted to cover an entire floor
• (地毯或其他铺地材料)铺满整个地板的
  [informal] denoting great extent or number
[非正式] 广泛的;大量的
 »wall-to-wall customers.
wall-less adjective
1. Old English, from Latin vallum 'rampart', from vallus 'stake'

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