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ward n.病房,病室;监房

/ wC:d /

1. a separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient
• (尤指专为治疗某种病人而设的)病房,病室
 »a children's ward.
 »[as modifier] a ward sister.
2. an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councillor or councilors
• (城市的)行政区,选举区
3. a child or young person under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a court
• 受监护人
  [mass noun] (archaic)guardianship or the state of being subject to a guardian
[古] 监护;受监护的地位
 »the ward and care of the Crown.
4. [一般作wards] any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock which prevent the turning of any key which does not have grooves of corresponding form or size
• (锁内)齿凸
  the corresponding grooves in the bit of a key
• (钥匙)齿凹
5. [mass noun] (archaic)the action of keeping a lookout for danger
[古] 监视,看守
 »I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates.
6. (historical)an area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle
[史] 城堡内空地
verb, [with obj.]
1. (archaic)guard ; protect
[古] 看守;保护
 »it was his duty to ward the king.
2. admit (a patient) to a hospital ward
• 接受(病人)入病房
ward of court
1. a child or young person for whom a guardian has been appointed by the Court of Chancery or who has become directly subject to the authority of that court
• 受法院监护的青少年
wardship noun
1. Old English weard (in sense 5, also 'body of guards'), weardian 'keep safe, guard', of Germanic origin; reinforced in Middle English by Old Northern French warde (noun), warder (verb) 'guard'
ward someone/thing off
1. prevent from harming or affecting one
• 挡开
 »she put up a hand as if to ward him off.

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