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wave v.波动,飘动;向...挥手 n.波浪/飘扬/挥手

/ weiv /

1. [no obj.] move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
• 挥手问候,挥手示意
 »he waved to me from the train.
  [with obj.] move (one's hand or arm, or something held in one's hand) to and fro
• 挥舞,挥动(手,手臂,手中之物)
 »he waved a sheaf of papers in the air.
  move to and fro with a swaying or undulating motion while remaining fixed to one point
• 飘扬,飘动
 »the flag waved in the wind.
  [with obj.] convey (a greeting or other message) by moving one's hand or something held in it to and fro
• 挥手(或手中之物)传达(问候或其他信息)
 »we waved our farewells.
 »[with two objs] she waved him goodbye.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] instruct (someone) to move in a particular direction by moving one's hand
• 向…挥手示意
 »he waved her back.
2. [with obj.] style (hair) so that it curls slightly
• 使(头发)呈波形;卷(发)
 »her hair had been carefully waved for the evening.
  [no obj.] (of hair) grow with a slight curl
• (头发)呈波形,长成卷曲状
 »[as adj. waving] thick, waving grey hair sprouted back from his forehead.
1. a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore
• 波浪,波涛
 »he was swept out to sea by a freak wave.
  a ridge of water between two depressions in open water
• 浪峰
 »gulls and cormorants bobbed on the waves.
  a shape seen as comparable to a breaking wave
• 波浪形
 »a wave of treetops stretched to the horizon.
  (the waves)(poetic/literary)the sea
[诗/文] 大海
  an intense burst of a particular feeling or emotion
• (某种感情或情绪的)爆发,高涨
 »horror came over me in waves.
 »a new wave of apprehension assailed her.
  a sudden occurrence of or increase in a specified phenomenon
• (某现象的)突发;激增
 »a wave of strikes had effectively paralysed the government.
2. a gesture or signal made by moving one's hand to and fro
• 手势
 »he gave a little wave and walked off.
3. a slightly curling lock of hair
• 一缕卷发
 »his hair was drying in unruly waves.
  a tendency to curl in a person's hair
• (头发的)卷曲
 »her hair has a slight natural wave.
4. [Physics] a periodic disturbance of the particles of a substance which may be propagated without net movement of the particles, such as in the passage of undulating motion, heat, or sound
[物理] 波;振动。
--› see standing wave 和 travelling wave
  a single curve in the course of this motion
• 示波图
  a similar variation of an electromagnetic field in the propagation of light or other radiation through a medium or vacuum
• 电磁波
make waves
1. [informal] create a significant impression
[非正式] 产生巨大影响
 »he has already made waves as a sculptor.
  cause trouble
• 引起麻烦;兴风作浪
 »I don't want to risk her welfare by making waves.
waveless adjective
wave-likeadjective & adverb
1. Old English wafian (verb), from the Germanic base of waver; the noun by alteration (influenced by the verb) of Middle English wawe ('sea) wave'
1. On confusion between wave and waive, see usage at waive
wave something aside
1. dismiss something as unnecessary or irrelevant
• 挥手拒绝,对…置之不理
 »he waved the objection aside and carried on.
wave someone/thing down
1. use one's hand to give a signal to stop to a driver or vehicle
• 挥手示意(司机,车辆)停下

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