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way n.状态,状况,规模

/ wei /

1. a method, style, or manner of doing something
• 方法;方式
 »I hated their way of cooking potatoes with their jackets on.
 »there are two ways of approaching this problem.
  a person's characteristic or habitual manner of behaviour or expression
• 性格,习惯,作风
 »it was not his way to wait passively for things to happen.
  (ways)the customary modes of behaviour or practices of a group
• 习俗;习惯
 »my years of acclimatization to British ways.
  [in sing.] the typical manner in which something happens or in which someone or something behaves
• (事情发生或做事的)典型方式
 »he was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys.
  [in sing] (formal or Scottish)a person's occupation or line of business
[正式,苏格兰] 职业;业务范围
2. a road, track, path, or street for travelling along
• 路,道路;街道,巷
 »[in place names] No. 3, Church Way.
  [usu. in sing.] a course of travel or route taken in order to reach a place
• 通路,通道
 »can you tell me the way to Leicester Square?
  a means of entry or exit from somewhere, such as a door or gate
• 出口,出路
 »I nipped out the back way.
  [in sing.] (也作 北美,非正式 ways)a distance travelled or to be travelled; the distance from one place to another
• 路程,距离
 »they still had a long way ahead of them.
 »the area's wine industry still has some way to go to full maturity.
  [in sing] a period between one point in time and another
• 时段
 »September was a long way off.
  [in sing.] travel or motion along a particular route; the route along which someone or something would travel if unobstructed
• 行进;线路
 »Christine tried to follow but Martin blocked her way.
  [in sing] a specified direction
• (某个)方向
 »we just missed another car coming the other way.
  (ways)parts into which something divides or is divided
• (分成)部分
 »the national vote split three ways.
  (one's way)used with a verb and adverbial phrase to intensify the force of an action or to denote movement or progress
• [与动词和副词短语连用,强调行动的力量;或用于表示运动或行进]行进
 »I shouldered my way to the bar.
  [mass noun] forward motion or momentum of a ship or boat through water
• (船)航行,动力
 »the dinghy lost way and drifted towards the shore.
3. [in sing.] [with modifier or possessive] [informal] a particular area or locality
[非正式] 地区,地点
 »the family's main estate over Maidenhead way.
4. a particular aspect of something; a respect
• 方面
 »I have changed in every way.
5. [in sing.] [with adj.] a specified condition or state
• 条件,状况
 »the family was in a poor way.
6. (ways)a sloping structure down which a new ship is launched
• (船下水用的)船台,滑道
1. [informal] at or to a considerable distance or extent; far (used before an adverb or preposition for emphasis)
[非正式] 非常;远远地
 »his understanding of what constitutes good writing is way off target.
 »my grandchildren are way ahead of others their age.
  [as submodifier] (chiefly N. Amer.)much
[主北美] 很,十分
 »I was cycling way too fast.
  [usu. as submodifier] extremely; really (used for emphasis). away
• 极其;确实(表强调)
 »the guys behind the bar were way cool.
across (英亦作
1. nearby, especially on the opposite side of the street
• 附近(尤指街对面)
all the way --› see all
be on one's way
1. have started one's journey
• 在旅途中
  [in imperative] (be on your way)[informal] go away
[非正式] 走开
 »on your way, and stop wasting my time!.
by a long way
1. by a great amount; by far
• 大大的;…得多
by the way
1. incidentally (used to introduce a minor topic not connected with what was being spoken about previously)
• 顺便说说,顺便提起
 »oh, by the way, while you were away I had a message.
2. during the course of a journey
• 在路上,在途中
 »you will have a fine view of Moray Firth by the way.
by way of
1. so as to pass through or across; via
• 经由
 »he travelled by way of Canterbury.
2. constituting; as a form of
• 作为;以…形式
 »"I can't help it," shouted Tom by way of apology.
3. by means of
• 以…方式
 »non-compliance with the regulations is punishable by way of a fine.
come one's way
1. happen or become available to one
• 发生于某人身上,被某人碰到
 »he did whatever jobs came his way.
find a way
1. discover a means of obtaining one's object
• 找到(达到目的)的方法
get (或 have) one's own way
1. get or do what one wants in spite of opposition
• 一意孤行
give way
1. yield to someone or something
• 屈服
 »he was not a man to give way to this kind of pressure.
  (of a support or structure) be unable to carry a load or withstand a force; collapse or break
• (支持,结构)垮掉,倒塌
  (give way to)allow oneself to be overcome by or to succumb to (an emotion or impulse)
• 控制不住(情绪,冲动)
 »she gave way to a burst of weeping.
2. allow someone or something to be or go first
• 让路
 »give way to traffic coming from the right.
  (give way to)be replaced or superseded by
• 被取代
 »Alan's discomfort gave way to anger.
3. (of rowers) row hard
• (划手)用力划
go all (或 the whole) way
1. continue a course of action to its conclusion
• 干到底
  [informal] have full sexual intercourse with someone
[非正式] 完全交媾
go out of one's way
1. [usu. with infinitive] make a special effort to do something
• 特地(或故意)做
 »Mrs Mott went out of her way to be courteous to Sara.
go one's own way
1. act independently or as one wishes, especially against contrary advice
• (尤指不听不同建议)独自行动
go one's way
1. (of events, circumstances, etc.) be favourable to one
• (事件、形势等)对某人有利
 »I was just hoping things went my way.
2. leave
• 离开
 »one by one the staff went their way.
go someone's way
1. travel in the same direction as someone
• 同路
 »wait for Owen, he's going your way.
have it your (own) way
1. [in imperative] [informal] used to indicate angrily that although one disagrees with something someone has said or proposed, one is not going to argue further
[非正式] 你想怎样就怎样
 »have it your way—we'll go to Princetown.
have it both ways --› see both
have a way with
1. have a particular talent for dealing with or ability in
• 擅长处理;有能力对付
 »she's got a way with animals.
have a way with one
1. have a charming and persuasive manner
• 具有一种让人倾倒的魅力
have one's way with
1. (humorous)have sexual intercourse with (someone) (typically implying that it is against their wishes or better judgement)
[幽默] 与某人发生性关系(尤其暗示违背意愿或判断)
in more ways than one
1. used to indicate that a statement has more than one meaning
• 不单是这样,还有别的意思
 »Shelley let her hair down in more ways than one.
in a way (或 in some ways, in one way)
1. to a certain extent, but not altogether or completely (used to reduce the effect of a statement)
• 在某种程度上;从某种意义上讲
 »in some ways television is more challenging than theatre.
in the family way --› see family
in the [或one's] way
1. forming an obstacle or hindrance to movement or action
• 挡道,妨碍
 »his head was in the way of my view.
in the way of
1. another way of saying by way of (sense 2) above
• 同前面的by way of (义项2)
in someone/thing's (own) way
1. if regarded from a particular standpoint appropriate to that person or thing
• 就某人(物)而言
 »it's a good enough book in its way.
in no way
1. not at all
• 决不
keep [或stay] out of someone's way
1. avoid someone
• 避开某人
know one's way around (或 about)
1. be familiar with (an area, procedure, or subject)
• 熟悉(某个地区、程序或话题)
lead the way
1. go first along a route to show someone the way
• 引路,带路
  be a pioneer in a particular activity
• 作某项活动的先行者
look the other way
1. deliberately avoid seeing or noticing someone or something
• 刻意回避看某人(或某物),故意朝另一边(或另一方面)看
my way or the highway
1. [N. Amer. informal] said to assert the view that there is no alternative (apart from leaving) but to accept the speaker's opinions or policies
[北美,非正式] [用以断言除接受说话者的意见或政策外别无选择,或选择离开]顺我者昌,逆我者亡;非照我的意思去办不可
 »they know no way but the way of the autocrat—it's my way or the highway.
no two ways about it
1. 见no
one way and another
1. taking most aspects or considerations into account
• 全面地看,总的来看
 »it's been quite a day one way and another.
2. another way of saying one way or the other below
• 同后面的 one way or the other
one way or the other [或one way and another]
1. used to indicate that something is the case for any of various unspecified reasons
• 不管怎样
 »one way or another she brought it on herself.
  by some means
• 用某种方式
 »he wants to get rid of me one way or the other.
  whichever of two given alternatives is the case
• 不论这样还是那样
 »the question is not yet decided, one way or the other.
on the [或one's] way
1. in the course of a journey
• 在途中
 »I'll tell you on the way home.
on the [或its] way
1. about to arrive or happen
• 接近;即将发生
 »there's more snow on the way.
  [informal] (of a child) conceived but not yet born
[非正式] (孩子)尚未出生的
on the [或one's] way out
1. in the process of leaving
• 正在离去
  [informal] going out of fashion or favour
[非正式] 行将过时
  [informal] dying
[非正式] 即将死亡
the other way round (或 around; 英亦作
1. in the opposite position or direction
• 相反地
  the opposite of what is expected or supposed
• 反过来
 »it was you who sought me out, not the other way round.
out of the way
1. (of a place) remote
• (地方)偏远的
2. dealt with or finished
• 已解决的已结束的
 »economic recovery will begin once the election is out of the way.
  (of a person) no longer an obstacle or hindrance to someone's plans
• (人)不再碍事,不挡道
 »why did Josie want her out of the way?
3. [usu. with negative] unusual, exceptional, or remarkable
• 反常的;异常的
 »he'd seen nothing out of the way.
out of one's way
1. not on one's intended route
• 不在预期的路线上
put someone in the way of
1. [dated] give someone the opportunity of
[旧] 给某人以…机会
that way
1. used euphemistically to indicate that someone is homosexual
[婉] 同性恋的
 »he was a bit that way.
to someone's [或noe's] way of thinking
1. in someone's (or one's) opinion
• 据某人的观点
way back
1. [美亦作 way back when] [informal] long ago
[非正式] 很久以前
the way of the Cross
1. the journey of Jesus to the place of his crucifixion
• 耶稣前往受难地的路途
2. a set of images representing the Stations of the Cross
• 耶稣受难经过的一组画像
3. (figurative)the suffering and self-sacrifice of a Christian
[喻] 基督徒的苦难和献身
way of life
1. the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group
• (个人或群体)典型的行为方式
 »the rural way of life.
the way of the world
1. the manner in which people typically behave or things typically happen (used to express one's resignation to it)
• 惯常方式(用于指某人对此听天由命)
 »all those millions of pounds are not going to create many jobs, but that's the way of the world.
ways and means
1. the methods and resources at someone's disposal for achieving something
• 方式,手段
 »the company is seeking ways and means of safeguarding jobs.
way to go
1. [N. Amer. informal] used to express pleasure, approval, or excitement
[北美,非正式] [用于表示快乐、赞同或兴奋]行,好
1. Old English weg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch weg and German Weg, from a base meaning 'move, carry'

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