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what pron.什么 a.多么,何等;什么;尽可能多的

/ hwCt /

1. [interrogative pronoun] asking for information specifying something
• [询问或确认某事]什么
 »what is your name?
 »I'm not sure what you mean.
  asking for repetition of something not heard or confirmation of something not understood
• [请求重复或确认]什么
 »what? I can't hear you.
 »you did what?
2. [relative pronoun] the thing or things that (used in specifying something)
• [用于指定某事]…那样的事
 »what we need is a commitment.
  (referring to the whole of an amount) whatever
• [指数量的全部]无论什么,任何东西
 »I want to do what I can to make a difference.
3. (in exclamations) emphasizing something surprising or remarkable
• [用于感叹]多少;多么
 »what some people do for a crust!.
1. [interrogative determiner] asking for information specifying something
• [询问或确认某事]什么
 »what time is it?
 »do you know what excuse he gave me?
2. [relative determiner] (referring to the whole of an amount) whatever
• [指数量的全部]无论什么
 »he had been robbed of what little money he had.
3. (in exclamations) how great or remarkable[as determiner] [as predeterminer]
• [用于感叹]多少;多么
 »what luck!.
 »what a fool she was.
interrogative adverb
1. to what extent?
• 到何程度
 »what does it matter?
2. used to indicate an estimate or approximation
• [表示估计或近似]如何
 »see you, what, about four?
3. (informal, dated)used for emphasis or to invite agreement
[非正式,旧] [用于强调或请求同意]
 »pretty poor show, what?
and (或 or) what have you
1. [informal] and/or anything else similar
[非正式] 诸如此类的事物,等等
 »for a binder try soup, gravy, cream, or what have you.
and what not
1. [informal] and other similar things
[非正式] 诸如此类,等等
give someone what for --› see give
what about —?
1. used when asking for information or an opinion on something
• [询问消息或征求意见]…怎么样
 »what about the practical angle?
2. used to make a suggestion
• [提出建议]…怎么样;…好不好
 »what about a walk?
what-d'you-call-it (或 what's-its name)
1. [informal] used as a substitute for a name not recalled
[非正式] 某某人(或东西),那个不知叫什么的人(或东西)
what for?
1. [informal] for what reason?
[非正式] 为什么
what if —?
1. what would result if —?
• 如果…将会怎样
 »what if nobody shows up?
2. what does it matter if —?
• 即使…又有什么关系
 »what if our house is a mess? I'm clean.
what is more
1. and as an additional point; moreover
• 而且,加之
what next --› see next
what of —?
1. what is the news concerning —?
• 情况怎么样
what of it?
1. why should that be considered significant?
• 有什么值得重视的?
what's-his (或 -its) -name
1. another term for what-d'you-call-it
• 同 what-d'you-call-it
what say —?
1. used to make a suggestion
• [用于提出建议]怎么样
 »what say we call a tea break?
what's what
1. [informal] what is useful or important
[非正式] 有用(或重要)之事
 »I'll teach her what's what.
what with
1. because of (used typically to introduce several causes of something)
• [尤用于引导多个原因]因为,由于
 »what with the drought and the neglect, the garden is in a sad condition.
1. Old English hwæt, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wat and German was, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin quod

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