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wild a.野的,野生的;未开发的;原始的;放荡的

/ waild /

1. (of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated
• (动植物)野的;野生的;未栽培的;未驯化的
  (of people) not civilized; barbarous
• (人)未开化的,野蛮的,原始的
 »the wild tribes from the north.
  (of scenery or a region) desolate-looking
• (景色,地区)无人烟的,荒凉的,荒芜的
 »the wild coastline of Cape Wrath.
  produced from wild animals or plants without cultivation
• 产自野生动植物的
 »wild honey.
2. uncontrolled or unrestrained, especially in pursuit of pleasure
• (尤指追求享乐)无节制的,放荡的
 »she went through a wild phase of drunken parties and desperate affairs.
  haphazard, especially rashly so
• 随意的;轻率的
 »a wild guess.
  extravagant or unreasonable; fanciful
• 荒诞的;不合常理的;异想天开的
 »who, even in their wildest dreams, could have anticipated such a victory?
• 暴风雨的;狂暴的
 »the wild sea.
  [informal] very enthusiastic or excited
[非正式] 狂热的;极为激动的
 »I'm not wild about the music.
  [informal] very angry
[非正式] 愤怒的
  (of looks, appearance, etc.) indicating distraction
• (表情、外表等)走神的,不专注的
 »her wild eyes were darting back and forth.
  (of a playing card) deemed to have any value, suit, colour, or other property in a game at the discretion of the player holding it
• (牌)百搭的。
--› see wild card
1. (the wild)a natural state or uncultivated or uninhabited region
• 天然状态;未开垦地区;蛮荒之地;荒地
 »kiwis are virtually extinct in the wild.
  (the wilds)a remote uninhabited or sparsely inhabited area
• 偏僻地区,穷乡僻壤
 »he spent a year in the wilds of Canada.
1. [with obj.] [W. Indian] treat (someone or something) harshly, so that they become untrusting or nervous
[西印度] 野蛮对待;残酷对待
run wild
1. (of an animal, plant, or person) grow or develop without restraint or discipline
• (动植物,人)疯狂生长;变野蛮;变粗暴;失去控制(约束)
 »these horses have been running wild since they were born.
 »her imagination had run wild.
wild and woolly
1. uncouth in appearance or behaviour
• 粗野的,野蛮的
wildish adjective
wildly adverb
wildness noun
1. Old English wilde, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German wild

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