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wood n.木材,木头,木料;(pl.)森林,林地


1. [mass noun] the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub
• 木;木质部
  such material when cut and used as timber or fuel
• 木材;木料,木头
 »a large table made of dark, polished wood.
 »[count noun] best quality woods were used for joinery.
  (the wood)wooden barrels used for storing alcoholic drinks
• 木制酒桶
 »wines from the wood.
  [count noun] a golf club with a wooden or other head that is relatively broad from face to back (often with a numeral indicating the degree to which the face is angled to loft the ball)
• (高尔夫)木头球棒,木棒
  [count noun] a shot made with such a club
• 木棒挥击
  another term for bowl (in sense 1)
• 同 bowl [义项1]
2. [亦作woods] an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees
• 树林;林地
 »a thick hedge divided the wood from the field.
 »a long walk in the woods.
cannot see the wood(或北美
1. fail to grasp the main issue because of over-attention to details
• 见树不见林;见小不见大;重细节不抓重点
out of the wood (或 woods)
1. out of danger or difficulty
• 脱离险境(或困境)
touch (或主北美
1. said in order to prevent a confident statement from bringing bad luck
• 用手碰碰木头,但愿老走这种好运
 »I haven't been banned yet, touch wood.
woodless adjective
1. Old English wudu, from a Germanic word related to Welsh gwŷdd 'trees'

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