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word v. 措辞well-worded adj.措辞得当的


1. a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed
• (尤指用书面或印刷形式表达的)词,字
  a single distinct conceptual unit of language, comprising inflected and variant forms
• (包括屈折和变体形式的)词,单词,字
  [一般作 words] something that someone says or writes; a remark or piece of information
• 话;词句
 »his grandfather's words had been meant kindly.
 »a word of warning.
  [mass noun] speech as distinct from action
• 话,言语;话语
 »he conforms in word and deed to the values of a society that he rejects.
  [with negative] (a word)even the smallest amount of something spoken or written
• 一个字(所说或所写的最小量)
 »don't believe a word of it.
  (one's word)a person's account of the truth, especially when it differs from that of another person
• (尤指与他人不同的)证词
 »in court it would have been his word against mine.
  (one's word)a promise or assurance
• 诺言;保证
 »everything will be taken care of—you have my word.
  (words)the text or spoken part of a play, opera, or other performed piece; a script
• 台词,对白;歌词
 »he had to learn his words.
  (words)angry talk
• 口角,吵架
 »her father would have had words with her about that.
  [mass noun] a message; news
• 消息,信息
 »I was afraid to leave Edinburgh in case there was word from the War Office.
  a command, password, or motto
• 命令;口令;格言
 »someone gave me the word to start playing.
  a basic unit of data in a computer, typically 16 or 32 bits long
• 字(尤指16或32个字节的计算机数据基本单位)
1. [with obj.] choose and use particular words in order to say or write (something)
• 选用词语表达(某事)
 »he words his request in a particularly ironic way.
 »[as adj., with submodifier] a strongly worded letter of protest.
at a word
1. as soon as requested
• 一经要求
 »ready to leave again at a word.
be as good as one's word
1. do what one has promised to do
• 信守诺言
have a word
1. speak briefly to someone
• 简短地和某人说话
 »I'll just have a word with him.
have a word in someone's ear
1. speak to someone privately and discreetly, especially to give them a warning
• 和某人咬耳朵;和某人私下谈;私下警告某人
in other words
1. expressed in a different way; that is to say
• 换句话说,也就是说
in so many words
1. [often with negative] in the way mentioned
• 直截了当地;明确地
 »I haven't told him in so many words, but he'd understand.
in a word
1. briefly
• 简而言之,总之,一句话
keep one's word
1. do what one has promised
• 守信,遵守诺言
a man/woman of his/her word
1. a person who keeps their promises
• 守信的人,遵守诺言的人
(on/upon) my word
1. an exclamation of surprise or emphasis
• 我敢保证;说实在话(表示惊讶或强调)
 »my word, you were here quickly!.
of few words
1. taciturn
• 沉默寡言的,很少话的
 »he's a man of few words.
put something into words
1. express something in speech or writing
• 用言语表达
 »he felt a vague disappointment which he couldn't put into words.
put words into someone's mouth
1. falsely or inaccurately report what someone has said
• 硬说某人说过某些话
  prompt or encourage someone to say something that they may not otherwise have said
• 教某人怎样讲
take someone at their word
1. interpret a person's words literally or exactly, especially by believing them or doing as they suggest
• 相信某人说的话是真的
take the words out of someone's mouth
1. say what someone else was about to say
• 先说出某人想讲的话
take someone's word (for it)
1. believe what someone says or writes without checking for oneself
• 轻信某人的话
too —— for words
1. [informal] extremely ——
[非正式] 很,极
 »going around by the road was too tedious for words.
waste words
1. talk in vain
• 白费口舌
2. talk at length
• 啰啰嗦嗦地说
the Word (of God)
1. the Bible, or a part of it
• 《圣经》,《圣经》的一部分
2. Jesus Christ (see Logos ). (see Logos )
• 耶稣(见 Logos)。 耶稣(见 Logos)
word for word
1. in exactly the same or, when translated, exactly equivalent words
• 逐字地,一字不变地;逐字翻译,直译
word of honour
1. a solemn promise
• 用名誉担保(表示正式许诺)
 »I'll be good to you always, I give you my word of honour.
word of mouth
1. spoken language; informal or unofficial discourse
• 口语;非正式(或非官方)话语
the word on the street
1. [informal] a rumour or piece of information currently being circulated
[非正式] 街头谣言
words fail me
1. used to express one's disbelief or dismay
• 说不出话来;无法用言语表达失望(或气馁)
a word to the wise
1. a hint or brief explanation given, that being all that is required
• 对明白人不用细说
wordage noun
wordless adjective
wordlessly adverb
wordlessness noun
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch woord and German Wort, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin verbum 'word'
word up
1. [as imperative] (black English)listen
[黑人英语] 听着
 »word up, my brother, you got me high as a kite.

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