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work n.工作(量);作品;[pl.]工厂 v.工作;运转


noun, [mass noun]
1. activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result
• 工作;劳动
 »he was tired after a day's work in the fields.
  [in combination or with modifier] (works)(chiefly Brit.)operations of building or repair
[主英] 建筑,维修工程
 »extra costs caused by additional building works.
  (works)[treated as sing.] (chiefly Brit.)a place or premises for industrial activity, typically manufacturing
[主英] 工厂(尤指制造厂)
 »[with modifier] he found a job in the locomotive works.
2. such activity as a means of earning income; employment
• 职业;差事
 »I'm still looking for work.
  the place where one engages in such activity
• 工作地点,工作场所;办公室
 »I was returning home from work on a packed subway.
  the period of time spent during the day engaged in such activity
• 工作时间,上班时间
 »he was going to the theatre after work.
  [count noun] [W. Indian] a job
[西印度] 工作;活儿
 »I decided to get a work.
3. a task or tasks to be undertaken; something a person or thing has to do
• (待做的)工作;任务
 »they made sure the work was progressing smoothly.
  the materials for this
• 工作物,工件,活计
 »she frequently took work home with her.
  (works)[Theology] good or moral deeds
[神学] 善行;德行
 »the Clapham sect was concerned with works rather than with faith.
4. something done or made
• 制作品;产品
 »her work hangs in all the main American collections.
  the result of the action of a specified person or thing
• 工作成果
 »the bombing had been the work of a German-based cell.
  [count noun] a literary or musical composition or other piece of fine art
• (文学或音乐)作品,创作
 »a work of fiction.
  (works)all such pieces by a particular author, composer, or artist, regarded collectively
• 作品,著作
 »the works of Schubert fill several feet of shelf space.
  a piece of embroidery, sewing, or knitting, typically made using a specified stitch or method
• 针线活;刺绣品
  [count noun] [一般作 works] [Military] a defensive structure
[军] 防御工事
5. (works)the operative part of a clock or other machine
• (钟或机器的)活动机件,运转机构
 »she could almost hear the tick of its works.
6. [Physics] the exertion of force overcoming resistance or producing molecular change
[物] 功;做功
7. (the works)[informal] everything needed, desired, or expected!
[非正式] 相关的所有事物,全套事物
 »the heavens put on a show: sheet lightning, hailstones, the works.
  天空呈现出一片蔚为壮观的景象: 片状闪电、冰雹以及诸如此类的气象景观。
(past and past participle worked 或古 wrought), [no obj.]
1. be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a purpose or result, especially in one's job; do work
• 工作;干活;劳动
 »an engineer who had been working on a design for a more efficient wing.
 »new contracts forcing employees to work longer hours.
  be employed, typically in a specified occupation or field
• 受雇佣,从事职业,担任差事
 »Taylor has worked in education for 17 years.
  [with obj.] [W. Indian] be engaged in (a particular occupation)
[西印度] 从事(某职业)
 »I worked fireman on ships.
  (work in)(of an artist) produce articles or pictures using (a particular material or medium)
• (工匠)加工
 »he works in clay over a very strong frame.
  [with obj.] produce (an article or design) using a specified material or sewing stitch
• 缝制;绣制
 »the castle itself is worked in tent stitch.
  [with obj.] set to or keep at work
• 使工作;使干活;使劳动
 »Jane is working you too hard.
  [with obj.] cultivate (land) or extract materials from (a mine or quarry)
• 开垦(土地),开采(矿石等)
 »contracts and leases to work the mines.
  [with obj.] practise one's occupation or operate in or at (a particular place)
• 在(某地区)从事活动
 »I worked a few clubs and so forth.
  make efforts to achieve something; campaign
• 尽力;努力做
 »an organization working for a better life for people diagnosed or treated as having mental illness.
2. (of a machine or system) operate or function, especially properly or effectively
• (机器,系统)运转,开动
 »his cell phone doesn't work unless he goes to a high point.
  (of a machine or a part of it) run; go through regular motions
• (机器或其部件)运行,运转
 »it's designed to go into a special ‘rest’ state when it's not working.
  (especially of a person's features) move violently or convulsively
• 使抽动;使颤动
 »hair wild, mouth working furiously.
  [with obj.] cause (a device or machine) to operate
• 使(装置,机器)运转;操作,操纵(装置,机器等)
 »teaching customers how to work a VCR.
  (of a plan or method) have the desired result or effect
• (计划,方法)产生预期效果;发挥作用,有效
 »the desperate ploy had worked.
  [with obj.] bring about; produce as a result
• 使发生;产生
 »with a dash of blusher here and there, you can work miracles.
  [with obj.] [informal] arrange or contrive
[非正式] 安排;想出
 »the chairman was prepared to work it for Phillip if he was interested.
  (work on/upon)exert influence or use one's persuasive power on (someone or their feelings)
• 影响;说服(某人或其情感)
 »she worked upon the sympathy of her associates.
  [with obj.] use one's persuasive power to stir the emotions of (a person or group of people)
• 使激动;激起
 »the born politician's art of working a crowd.
3. [with obj. and adverbial or complement] bring (a material or mixture) to a desired shape or consistency by hammering, kneading, or some other method
• 揉和;搅拌
 »work the mixture into a paste with your hands.
  bring into a specified state, especially an emotional state
• 激发,刺激
 »Harold had worked himself into a minor rage.
4. move or cause to move gradually or with difficulty into another position, typically by means of constant movement or pressure
• (使)缓慢行进;(使)费力移动
 »[with obj. and adverbial or complement] comb from tip to root, working out the knots at the end.
 »[no obj., with adverbial or complement] its stanchion bases were already working loose.
  [with adverbial] [Sailing] make progress to windward, with repeated tacking
[航海] 顶风航行
 »trying to work to windward in light airs.
at work
1. engaged in work
• 在工作;在干活;在劳作
  in action
• 在活动,在运转
 »researchers were convinced that one infectious agent was at work.
give someone the works
[informal 非正式]
1. tell someone everything
• 对某人和盘托出
2. treat someone harshly
• 让某人吃苦头,折磨某人
  kill someone
• 杀害某人
have one's work cut out
1. be faced with a hard or lengthy task
• 面临艰巨的任务;十分忙碌
in the works
1. (chiefly N.Amer.)being planned, worked on, or produced
[主北美] 在筹备中;在进行中;在生产中
set to work (或 set someone to work)
1. begin or cause to begin work
• 开始工作;使着手工作
a spanner (或北美
1. a person or thing that prevents the successful implementation of a plan
• 从中捣乱的人;破坏计划的人(或事)
the work of ——
1. a task occupying a specified amount of time
• 费一定工夫的事
 »it was the work of a moment to discover the tiny stab wound.
work one's ass (或 butt 等) off
1. (vulgar slang)work extremely hard
[粗俚] 拼命干
work one's fingers to the bone --› see bone
work to rule
1. (chiefly Brit.)(typically as a form of industrial action) follow official working rules and hours exactly in order to reduce output and efficiency
[主英] 故意死扣规章而减低生产效率,变相怠工
  a form of industrial action of this type
• 变相怠工形式
work one's passage
1. pay for one's journey on a ship with work instead of money
• 在船上打工代付船费
work one's way through university (或 college 等)
1. obtain the money for educational fees or maintenance as a student by working
• 打工挣钱读完大学,勤工俭学读完大学
work one's will on/upon
1. accomplish one's purpose on
• 把意志强加于
 »she set a coiffeur to work his will on her hair.
work wonders --› see wonder
workless adjective
1. Old English weorc (noun), wyrcan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch werk and German Werk, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek ergon
work something in
1. include or incorporate something, typically in something spoken or written
• 把…穿插进去;把…插入
work something off
1. discharge a debt by working
• (以工作)抵偿债务
2. reduce or get rid of something by work or activity
• (通过工作、活动等)消除,去除
 »one of those gimmicks for working off aggression.
work out
1. (of an equation) be capable of being solved
• 解出,算出(方程等)
  (work out at)be calculated at
• 总共达
 »the losses work out at $2.94 a share.
2. have a good or specified result
• 产生结果;发展;成功
 »things don't always work out that way.
3. engage in vigorous physical exercise or training, typically at a gym
• (尤指在体育馆里)锻炼,训练
work someone out
1. understand someone's character
• 理解,弄懂(人的个性)
work something out
1. solve a sum or determine an amount by calculation
• 解决;计算
  solve or find the answer to something
• 想出(答案)
 »I couldn't work out whether it was a band playing or a record.
2. plan or devise something in detail
• 制定;拟订(计划等)
 »work out a seating plan.
3. (poetic/literary)accomplish or attain something with difficulty
[诗/文] 努力做好;刻苦完成
 »malicious fates are bent on working out an ill intent.
4. [一般作 be worked out] work a mine until it is exhausted of minerals
• 采尽(矿)
5. another way of saying work something off above
• 同 work something off above
work someone over
1. [informal] treat someone with violence; beat someone severely
  the coppers had worked him over a little just for the fun of it。
[非正式] 粗暴对待;痛打
work to
1. follow or operate within the constraints of (a plan or system)
  working to tight deadlines。
• 根据(计划,体系)行事
work up to
1. proceed gradually towards (something more advanced or intense)
  the course starts with landing technique, working up to jumps from an enclosed platform。
• 逐步发展到,逐渐达到
work someone up
1. [常作 get worked up] gradually bring someone, especially oneself, to a state of intense excitement, anger, or anxiety
  he got all worked up and started shouting and swearing。
• 激发,激起(激动、愤怒、焦虑等情感)
work something up
1. bring something gradually to a more complete or satisfactory state
  painters were accustomed to working up compositions from drawings。
• 发展成;使完满
2. develop or produce by activity or effort
  despite the cold, George had already worked up a fair sweat。
• 通过活动出(一身汗)

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