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year n.年,年度,学年 a./ad.每年,一年一次

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1. the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun
• 年(地球绕太阳转一周的时间)
2. The length of the year depends on the manner of calculation. For ordinary purposes the important period is the tropical year (also called astronomical year, equinoctial year, or solar year) which is the time between successive spring or autumn equinoxes, or winter or summer solstices, roughly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds in length. This period thus marks the regular cycle of the seasons. See also sidereal year, anomalistic year.
3. (也作 calendar year 或 civil year)the period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) starting from the first of January, used for reckoning time in ordinary affairs
• 年度
  a period of the same length as this starting at any point
• (从任何时间算起的)一年时间
 »the year starting July 1.
  [with adj.] such a period regarded in terms of the quality of produce, typically wine
• (尤指葡萄酒的)年份
 »single-vineyard wine of a good year.
  a similar period used for reckoning time according to other calendars
• (根据其他日历计算的)类似年度
 »the Muslim year.
4. (one's years)one's age or time of life
• 岁数,年纪
 »she had a composure well beyond her years.
5. (years)[informal] a very long time; ages
[非正式] 多年;许久,很久
 »it's going to take years to put that right.
6. a set of students grouped together as being of roughly similar ages, mostly entering a school or college in the same academic year
• 同龄的学生
 »most of the girls in my year were leaving school at the end of the term.
medieval Latin
1. in the year —— ad
• 在…年
 »he was murdered in the year of grace 1618.
—— of the year
1. a person or thing chosen as outstanding in a specified field or of a specified kind in a particular year
• 本年度最杰出的人(或事)
 »the sports personality of the year.
put years on (或 take years off) someone
1. make someone feel or look older (or younger)
• 使某人感觉(或看起来)更老(或更年轻)
a year and a day
1. the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year
• 一年零一日的期限(某些法律规定的终止期限)
the year dot --› see dot
year in, year out
1. continuously or repeatedly over a period of years
• 年复一年,一年又一年
 »they rented the same bungalow year in, year out.
1. Old English gē(a)r, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch jaar and German Jahr, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek hōra 'season'

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