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1bawlbawlbawl[bɔːl],bawl sb 'out (informal)1.to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong大声训斥:My boss bawled me out for being late.我迟到, 给老板训斥了一顿。[synonym]tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,bawling-'out n 2.[usually sing.] (informal) an act of speaking angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong大声的训斥,bawl sth 'out (informal, especially BrE)3.to say or sing sth very loudly or in a harsh voice大喊;高声唱:She doesn’t give you an order. She bawls it out.她吩咐什么事情时总是高声发号施令。The children bawled out the songs.孩子们扯着嗓子唱歌。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare) ◆ v+adv+speech
2bebebe[biː](is/are,being,was/were/been) be 'after sth 1.to try to get or obtain sth追求,争取(某事物):Several people in the office are after the same job.办公室里有几个人想做同一件工作。She’s being too nice. I wonder what she’s after.她表现得好过了头。我不知道她图的是什么。[G]v+prepbe 'at sb (informal, especially BrE)=BE/GO/KEEP ON AT SBbe 'at sth 2.to be busy doing sth忙于(做某事):He’s been at his essay all night.他整整一夜都在写文章。I’ll be at it all day tomorrow.我明天一整天都会用来处理这事的。[G]v+prepbe 'at it 3.to behave badly; to argue or fight表现差;争吵;打架:The kids are at it again.孩子们又闹起来了。be a'way 4.to not be at home, especially when you are on holiday/vacation or on a business trip外出(尤指度假或出差):We’ll be away for the month of August.我们八月份要外出度假。He’s away on business at the moment.他出差了。[G]v+advbe be'fore sb=BE UP BEFORE SBbe be'hind sb 5.to give sb your support支持某人:Don’t forget that we’re behind you all the way.别忘了我们始终支持你。[G]v+prepbe be'hind with sth 6.to be late doing sth, such as paying a bill, your rent, etc.耽搁;拖欠:We’re behind with the mortgage repayments.我们没有按时偿还按揭贷款。I’m behind with my college assignments.我没依时完成大学作业。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'down 7.if a computer system is down, it is not working temporarily(计算机系统)出故障;暂时停机:Surely your computer isn’t down again? 你的计算机一定不是又坏了吧?[G]v+advbe 'down on sb 8.to treat sb severely or unfairly对某人苛刻(或不公平):He’s been really down on me lately.他最近特别和我过不去。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'down to sb 9.to be the responsibility of sb; to be sb’s fault是某人的责任;是某人的错:It’s down to you to help them now.现在该你帮助他们了。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'down to sth 10.to have only a little money left只剩一点钱; 所剩无几:I’m down to my last dollar.我只剩最后一块钱了。[G]v+adv+prepbe/go 'down with sth 11.to have or catch an illness生病;患…病:Gill’s down with flu.吉尔得了流感。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'in 12.to be in fashion时髦;入时:Miniskirts are in this season.本季度流行超短裙。13.to be elected to a political position当选(政治职位):The Democrats are in for another term.民主党获选连任。[G]v+advbe 'in for sth (informal)14.to be going to experience sth soon, especially sth unpleasant即将面临(尤指令人不快的事):She’s in for a shock.她就要碰上一件震惊的事了。It looks like we’re in for a storm.我们好像要遇到暴风雨了。[G]v+adv+prepbe/get 'in on sth (informal) 15.to have a share in or knowledge of sth; to be or become involved in sth参与;知道;涉足:Are you in on the secret? 你知道这个秘密吗?I’d like to be in on the deal.我很想加入这桩交易。[G]v+adv+prepbe (well) 'in with sb 16.to be (very) friendly with sb and likely to get an advantage from the friendship同某人关系密切(可从中获益)[G]v+adv+prepbe 'into sth 17.to have a taste for or an interest in sth爱好;对…感兴趣:Are you into jazz music?你喜欢爵士乐吗?He’s been into trains since he was a small boy.他从小就很喜欢火车。[G]v+prepbe 'off 18.to leave; to go, especially in a hurry离开;(匆忙)走开:I must be off.我必须走了。19.to have gone bad and not be fit to eat or drink变质(不宜食用或饮用):This milk is off.牛奶坏了。[G]v+advbe 'off sth 20.to have no interest in sth; to have stopped liking sth对(某事物)不感兴趣;不再喜欢:She can’t be well. She’s been off her food all week.她的身体不可能很好。她厌食整整一星期了。That’s it. I’m off men for life.就是这样。我一辈子都对男子提不起兴趣。21.to have finished speaking on the telephone打完电话:Isn’t he off the phone yet? 他还没打完电话吗?[G]v+prepbe ,off for 'sth (informal)22.to have a particular amount of sth有某数量的…:How are we off for coffee }(= how much have we got)&b{? 我们有多少咖啡?[G]v+adv+prepbe 'on 23.(of an event, a show, a performance, etc.活动、演出、表演等) to be happening; to take place进行中:Is the party still on? 聚会还没散吗?24.(of a performer演员) to be on the stage; to perform在台上;演出:Who’s on next? 下面该谁上台?We’re on after the support band.我们在伴奏响起之后上台。25.(of food食物) to be cooking在烹调中:Are the potatoes on? 土豆烧上了吗?[G]v+advyou’re 'on (spoken, informal)26.used when you are accepting a bet or a challenge(接受赌注或挑战时说)//// be 'on sb 27.if sth such as drinks, food, tickets, etc.are on sb, they are paid for by that person(饮料、食物、票等)由某人支付:The drinks are on me tonight.今晚的饮料我买单。[G]v+prepbe 'on sth 28.to be taking medicine, a drug, etc.在服用(药物、毒品等):She’s been on the pill for ten years.她服用这种药有十年了。I’m on strong painkillers.我在服用强力止痛药。29.to be talking to sb on the telephone(和某人)在通电话:She’s been on the phone for hours.她打电话有好几个小时了。30.to be eating or drinking sth在吃(或喝)…:I’m on my third coffee already this morning.这是我今早喝的第三杯咖啡了。[G]v+prepwhat are you 'on? (spoken, informal) 31.used when you are very surprised at sb’s behaviour and are suggesting that they are acting in a similar way to sb using drugs(认为对方行为不正常)你吃了什么药be 'on about sth (informal, especially BrE)32.to talk about sth, often in a boring way; to mean sth谈论,唠叨(某事);意思是:He’s always on about how much money he earns.他总爱唠叨他赚多少钱。What are you on about? }(= I don’t really understand)&b{.你究竟是什么意思?[G]v+adv+prepbe/go/keep 'on at sb (also be 'at sb) (informal,especially BrE) 33.to try to persuade sb to do sth by talking about it very often and in an annoying way反复劝说,纠缠(某人):I’ve been on at my husband to go to the doctor, but he won’t.我不断地劝我丈夫去看医生,可他就是不去。[synonym]nag sb[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+prepbe 'onto sb (informal)34.to become aware that sb has done sth wrong or illegal and be trying to catch them捕捉,缉捕(犯错或违法者):The police aren’t onto us yet.警方还没有发觉要捉拿我们。35.to talk to sb about sth, especially to complain about sth or ask them to do sth和某人谈(某事);(尤指)向某人抱怨,要求某人(做某事):I’ve been onto the council about the noise.我已经和委员会谈过噪音的问题了。[G]v+prepbe 'onto sth 36.to find or discover sth that could have very good results for you or for sb else找到,发现(会对自己或他人带来很好结果的事物):She could be onto something }(= she might have discovered sth that will prove important)&b{.她可能发现了重要线索。[G]v+prepbe 'out 37.to have stopped work as a protest and be on strike罢工:The postal workers are still out.邮政工人还在罢工。38.to be no longer in prison获释出狱:I’ve heard Smith’s out now.我听说史密斯出狱了。39.if a jury (= a group of people who decide the results of a competition or whether or not sb is guilty of a crime) is out,they are still trying to make a decision(评委会或陪审团)还在裁决中40.to no longer be in fashion过时;不流行:Black is out this year.今年不时兴黑色。Politeness seems to be out of fashion these days }(= no one is polite any more)&b{.如今讲礼貌似乎已经过时了。41.if an action, for example, is out, it is not possible or is not allowed(行动等)不可能,不允许:Shall we get together one evening next week? Monday’s out — I’ve got a French class.我们下周抽个晚上聚一聚吧?星期一不行—我有法语课。[G]v+advthe jury is (still) 'out on sth 42.used when you are saying that sth is still not certain(某事)仍未定夺, 悬而未决:The jury is still out on whether wine can be good for you.葡萄酒对人是否有好处尚无定论。be 'out for sth;be 'out to do sth 43.to be trying very hard to do sth or to get sth企求;力图(做某事):He’s out for revenge.他企图进行报复。Everyone’s just out for what they can get these days }(= they are trying to get things for themselves)&b{.如今每个人都只顾图谋私利。The German team want to win this game, but Brazil are out to stop them.德国队想赢得这场比赛,但巴西队会竭力阻止他们。[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+adv+to infbe 'out of sth 44.to have used up a supply of sth and have nothing left用光;耗尽:We’re out of sugar.我们的糖吃完了。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'over sb 45.to have returned to your usual state of happiness after the end of a relationship(和某人关系结束后)恢复心情:It was hard at first, but I’m over him now.和他分手之初很难过,可我熬过来了。[G]v+prepbe 'over sth 46.to have returned to your normal state of health after an illness病瘉;恢复健康:He’s over the flu now.他的流感好了。[G]v+prepbe 'past it (informal)47.used to show that you think sb is so old that they can no longer do anything useful or interesting(某人)年老无用:The children laughed at him and said he was past it.孩子们嘲笑他,说他年老不中用了。[G]v+prep+itbe 'through (to sb) 48.to be connected to sb on the telephone(和某人)接通电话:You’re through now.您的电话接通了。You’re through to the manager now.您可以和经理通话了。[G]v+advbe 'through (with sb/sth) (especially AmE) 49.to have finished using or doing sth; to have finished a relationship with sb不再使用(某物);做完(某事);已结束(同某人的)关系:Aren’t you through yet? You’ve been ages! 你还没做完?你真是没完没了!He promised he was through with drugs.他答应不再吸毒了。Keith and I are through.基思和我吹了。[G]v+advbe 'up 50.to be awake醒来;醒着:You’re up early.你醒得真早。I’ve been up all night.我彻夜未眠。51.(of the wind, the sea, etc.风、海等) to increase in strength or become violent增强;变得猛烈; 水势(变得) 兇猛:In the morning the wind was up and we got ready for a day’s sailing.早晨风力增强了,我们为一天的航行作好了准备。52.(spoken, informal) (of a drink, a meal,etc.饮料、饭菜等) to be ready准备好;预备好:Tea’s up! Come and get it.茶沏好了!来用吧。see also WHAT’S UP at BE UP TO STH[G]v+advbe 'up against sb/sth 53.to be facing problems or difficulties面对问题(或困难) :We’re up against tough competition.我们面临着激烈的竞争。With three players injured, they were really up against it }(= in a difficult situation)&b{.三名队员受了伤,他们的处境实在艰难。Do you realize what you’re up against? 你意识到你面临着什么吗?[G]v+adv+prepbe 'up before sb (also be be'fore sb) 54.to appear in court or before a judge上法庭; 出庭(受审):He’s up before the judge tomorrow.他明天出庭受审。[G]v+adv+prep ◆ v+prepbe 'up for sth 55.to be considered for sth, especially as a candidate for a job, in an election, etc.为(职位或选举等的)候选人:She’s up for promotion.她可能升职。(informal) There are 50 tickets up for grabs }(= available for people who ask quickly)&b{.有50 张票,来晚了就没了。56.to be for sb to buy供出售:I see your house is up for sale .我知道你的房子要出售。A Picasso is up for auction .有一幅毕加索的画要拍卖。57.(informal) to be ready to take part in an activity准备好参加…:The new job will be a challenge, but I’m up for it .新工作将是一个挑战,但我已准备应战。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'up to sb 58.to be sb’s responsibility or duty是某人的责任(或职责):It’s up to you to make sure the house is kept tidy.保持房屋整洁是你的责任。59.to be left to sb to decide由某人决定:‘Shall we go out?’ ‘It’s up to you.’ “ 我们出去好吗?”“你来决定吧。[G]v+adv+prepbe 'up to sth (informal)60.to be busy doing sth,especially sth bad忙于做(尤指坏事):What have you been up to lately? 你最近忙些什么呢?The kids are quiet — I’m sure they’re up to no good }(= they are doing sth bad)&b{.孩子们鸦雀无声的─我敢肯定他们没在干什么好事。61.to be as good as people expect和期待的一样好;不负所望:Was your meal up to standard? 给你的饭菜够标准吗?[G]v+adv+prepwhat’s up? (spoken, informal) 62.used to ask sb if there is something wrong出什么事了;怎么了:You look terrible! What’s up? 你看上去糟透了!出什么事了?I couldn’t understand what was up with George.我无法理解乔治是怎么了。63.used as a greeting to mean ‘how are you?’,‘what have you been doing?’, etc.(问候语)你好吗,忙些什么呢be upon sb ( formal)64.to be going to happen very soon即将发生:The election is almost upon us.选举很快就要开始了。[G]v+prep
3bearbearbear[bɛː](bore/borne) ,bear 'down on sb/sth (also ,bear 'down upon sb/sth more formal) 1.(especially BrE) to move towards sb/sth in a determined or threatening way冲向;咄咄逼近:A crowd of journalists bore down on the minister.一群记者冲向部长。A hurricane is bearing down on central America.飓风向中美洲袭来。2.(especially AmE) if a problem or a difficult situation bears down on you, it makes you feel very worried and has a severe effect on you(问题或困境)深深烦扰,严重影响:The drought is bearing down very hard on farmers.旱情让农民忧心忡忡。3.(especially AmE) to press or push on sb/sth施加压力于;压住;推动:( figurative)The government has announced it will bear down on }(= deal strictly with)&b{ inflation.政府宣布将严加遏制通货膨胀。[G]v+adv+prep'bear on/upon sb/sth 4.( formal) to be connected with sb/sth; to have an effect on sb/sth和… 有关; 涉及; 对… 有影响:This decision bears directly on our everyday lives.这一决定直接影响我们的日常生活。[synonym]affect sb/sth5.[NOTE]This verb is mainly used in written English.这个动词主要用于书面语。[G]v+prep,bear sb/sth 'out (especially BrE)6.to show that sth is true or that what sb says is true; to support sb/sth证实; 为… 作证; 支持:I always said she’d do well. John will bear me out on this.我总是说她会做好的。约翰会证实这一点。John will bear out what I say.约翰会证实我的话。This theory is not borne out by the facts.这个理论没有事实根据。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,bear 'up (under sth) 7.to remain cheerful and in control in a difficult situation保持振作;承受;挺住:‘How is your mother?’ ‘She’s bearing up very well.’ “你母亲好吗?”“她很硬朗。”‘How are you?’ ‘Oh, bearing up.’ “你怎么样了?”“还挺得住。[G]v+adv'bear upon sb/sth =BEAR ON/UPON SB/STH'bear with sb 8.to be patient with sb耐心对待;容忍:If you’ll just bear with me for a moment, I’ll try to find her.你如果能给我一点时间,我会尽力找她的。She’s under a lot of strain. Just bear with her.她承受着很大的压力。对她要有耐心。9.[NOTE]Bear with sb is usually used in the present tense or to ask sb to be patient. bear with sb 通常用于现在时,或叫某人要有耐心。[G]v+prep
4beatbeatbeat[biːt](beat,beaten) ,beat sb 'back1.to make sb move backwards away from sth使后退;使倒退:She was beaten back by the flames.火焰迫使她退了回去。They tried to beat the enemy forces back.他们试图把敌军击退。2.[NOTE]Beat sb back is usually used in the passive. beat sb back 通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,beat 'down (on/upon sb/sth) 3.if the sun beats down, it shines with great heat(阳光)强烈照射, 曝晒:The sun beat down all afternoon from a clear sky.整个下午晴空当头,骄阳似火。4.if rain beats down, it falls with great force(雨)倾泻:The rain was beating down on them.大雨浇在他们身上。[G]v+adv,beat sb/sth 'down5.to persuade sb to reduce theprice of sth; to get sb to accept a lower price forsth说服某人降价;杀价:Chris tried to beat them down to a lower price.克里斯设法让他们降价。[synonym]knock sb/sth down[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),beat sth 'down 6.to hit sth hard, often manytimes, until it falls down用力将(某物)砸倒:The police had to beat the door down.警察不得不把门撞开。People are hardly beating the door down to get her latest book }(= they are notrushing to buy it)&b{.人们并没有争相购买她最近出版的书。[OBJ]door[synonym]break sth down;batter sth down7.to make sth flatter or lower byhitting it hard, usually with sth flat(用平展的工具)把…拍平,把…打下去:I used a spade to beat down the mud until it was flat and hard.我用铁锹把泥土拍得又平又硬实。Two women tried to beat down the flames on his back.两个女子试图把他后背上的火焰扑打灭。[OBJ]flames[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,beat sb/sth 'off 8.to drive sb/sth back or awayby fighting击退;驱走:They beat off an attack by the rebel army.他们击退了叛军的进攻。He tried to beat the thugs off with a stick.他想用棍子打走那些流氓。[OBJ]attack,attacker 9.todefeat sb/sth in a competition(在竞争中)赢, 打败… :The company has beaten off very strong competition from abroad.公司战胜了来自国外的强有力的竞争。[OBJ]challenge,competition[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'beat on sb (AmE, informal)10.to hit or kick sbrepeatedly不断击打(或踢)某人see also BEAT SB UP;BEAT UP ON SB [G]v+prep,beat sth 'out 11.to produce a rhythm by hittingsth such as a drum repeatedly敲打出节奏[OBJ]rhythm 12.to put out a fire by hitting it with sthsuch as a blanket, a jacket, a brush, etc.(用毯子、上衣、刷子等)扑打灭(火):He used his jacket to beat out the flames.他用短上衣把火扑灭了。[OBJ]flames,fire 13.to make a piece of metalflat by hitting it with a hammer, etc.锤平(金属板):Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets.纯金可以锤成金箔。[OBJ]gold/iron,dent[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent),beat sb 'out (for sth) (AmE) 14.to defeat sb in acompetition(在竞争中)赢某人,打败某人:They beat out nine other companies for the contract.他们击败另外九家公司,赢得了合同。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'beat sb to sth; ,beat sb 'to it 15.to achieve sth orreach a place before sb else抢先; 捷足先登:Beckham beat everyone else to the ball.贝克汉姆超过了所有的人先得到球。Book now before somebody else beats you to it! 别人还没预订之前赶紧捷足先登吧![G]v+n/pron+prep,beat sb 'up 16.to hit or kick sb repeatedly殴打;毒打:Her husband used to beat her up.她的丈夫过去常对她大打出手。The gang went round beating up old ladies.这伙匪徒四处殴打老妇。[synonym]bash sb up (informal, less frequent)see also BEAT UP ON SB[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,beat-'up (especially AmE) (BrE usually ,beaten-'up) adj 17.[usually before noun] (informal)old or damaged破旧的;破损的:He drives a beat-up old van.他开一辆破破烂烂的旧货车。,beat yourself 'up (informal)18.to blame yourself for sth; to criticize yourself自责;自我批评:If we don’t succeed the first time, we shouldn’t beat ourselves up, but try again.第一次不成功,我们不应该自责,而要再次努力。[G]v+pron+adv,beat 'up on sb (AmE, informal)19.to attack sb physically or with words攻击某人(身体);(言语上)攻击某人:Of course it’s not OK to beat up on your wife.打妻子当然不对。He was accused of beating up on the President in the press.有人指责他在报章上攻击总统。see also BEAT ON SB[G]v+adv+prep
5beaverbeaverbeaver[ˈbiːvə],beaver a'way (at sth) (BrE, informal) 1.to work very hard at sth忙于(某事);勤奋工作:She’s been beavering away at her homework for hours.她连续几个小时都在忙着写作业。[G]v+adv
6becomebecomebecome[bɪˈkʌm](became /become) be'come of sb/sth ( formal) 1.to happen to sb/sth发生在…上:I wonder what became of the people who lived next door.我不知道原来住隔壁的人怎么样了。What will become of us if I lose my job? 如果我丢了工作,我们会怎么样?2.[NOTE]Become of sb/sth is always used in a question with what. become of sb/sth 总是用于带what的疑问句。[G]v+prep
7bedbedbed[bɛd](-dd-) ,bed 'down (BrE)1.to lie down to go to sleep somewhere you do not normally sleep换个地方睡觉:Young people bedded down in doorways.年轻人睡在各家门口。[synonym]doss down (BrE,less formal)2.(also ,bed 'in) if sth/sb newbeds down, it/they become settled and start to work well(新事物或人)适应,开始正常工作:It’ll take a while for the new system to bed down.新系统需要过段时间才能正常运转。The new players have bedded down well in the team.新队员已经很好地适应了这个队。[G]v+adv
8beefbeefbeef[biːf],beef 'up sth; ,beef it/them 'up (informal)1.to make sth bigger, stronger, more interesting, etc.使较大(或强壮、有意思等);加强…:Security has been beefed up.安全措施已经加强了。The company has been trying to beef up its image.公司一直致力于改善形象。2.[NOTE]A noun must always follow up, but a pronoun comes between the verb and up .名词必须放在up 之后,但代词放在动词和up 之间。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv'beefed-up adj 3.[only before noun] improved;made bigger, stronger, more interesting, etc.改进的;强化了的:beefed-up security 强化的安全措施
9begbegbeg[bɛg](-gg-) ,beg 'off; ,beg 'off sth; ,beg 'off doing sth1.to ask to be excused from sth; to say that you cannot do sth that you are expected or have promised to do推辞(要求或已答应做的事);反悔:She was asked to work the weekend shift but she tried to beg off.有人让她周末轮值,可她竭力推辞。He begged off visiting his grandparents.他把看祖父母的事推掉了。[synonym]pull out,pull out of sth,pull out of doing sthsee also CRY OFF,CRY OFF STH,CRY OFF DOING STH[G]v+adv ◆ v+prep
10believebelievebelieve[bɪˈliːv]be'lieve in sb/sth 1.to feel sure that sb/sth exists相信某人(或事物)存在:Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?I believe in God.我相信有上帝。I don’t believe in aliens.我不信有外星人。see also DISBELIEVE IN SB/STH 2.to have confidence in sb/sth, to feel sure that they/it will be successful or achieve sth信赖;信任;相信某人(或事情)会成功:My parents always believed in me.我父母始终对我抱有信心。I have to believe in a product before I can sell it.我必须对产品有把握才能出售。[G]v+prepbe'lieve in sth;be'lieve in doing sth 3.to feel that sth is right or valuable; to approve of sth认为某事对(或有价值);赞成:Do you believe in capital punishment? 你赞成死刑吗? She doesn’t believe in running risks.她不主张冒险。I’ve always believed in giving people a second chance.我始终认为应该给人第二次机会。[G]v+prepbe'lieve sth of sb 4.to accept that sb is capable of a particular action, etc., especially a bad or immoral one相信某人做出(尤指坏事或不道德的事) :Taking drugs! I can’t believe that of Lucy! 吸毒!我不相信露西会这样!If I hadn’t seen him doing it, I would never have believed it of him.如果不是亲眼所见,我决不会相信他会干这种事的。She is determined to believe the worst of me }(= think I am capable of doing, and likely to do, sth very bad)&b{.她坚持认为我能干出坏事。[G]v+n/pron+prep
11belongbelongbelong[bɪˈlɒŋ]be'long to sb 1.(not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) 2.to be the property of sb; to be owned by sb属于某人;归某人所有:The house belonged to my cousin.这所房子是我表兄的。That land belongs to the golf club.那片地归高尔夫俱乐部所有。Who does the van belong to?这辆客货车是谁的? 3.if a time or an eventbelongs to a team, a group of people, etc. they are the most successful, popular or important(时代或赛事等)属于…,是…的世界:Britain did well in the athletics competition, but the day belonged to Norway.以往英国队在田径比赛中表现很好,但整天却是挪威队大出风头。The second half of the twentieth century belonged to the young.二十世纪中末叶是年轻人的世界。4.if a job, a duty, etc. belongs to you, it is your responsibility(工作、职责等)归某人负责﹔是某人的责任:The job of disciplining a child belongs to the parents.管桝孩子是父母的职责。The credit for our success belongs to the staff }(=they made us successful, for example by working hard)&b{.我们的成功是职工努力的成果。[G]v+prepbe'long to sth 5.to be a member of sth, for example, a club, an organization or a family是(俱乐部、组织、家庭等) 的成员:I don’t belong to any political party.我没有加入任何政党。Portugal already belongs to the European Union.葡萄牙已加入欧洲联盟。[OBJ](trade) union,club, (political) party 6.to be part of a particular group or system是(某族类或纲目)的一部份;属于:Rattlesnakes belong to the viper family.响尾蛇属于蛇科。These three turtles all belong to one species.这三种龟均属同一物种。[OBJ]species,class,group,category7.to be part of sth or connected with a particular time or place是(某事物)的一部份;与(某时间或地点)有关:These things belong to the past.这些都是过去的东西。Writers like him belong to a different generation.他这样的作家属于另一代。[OBJ]the past,generation[G]v+prep
12beltbeltbelt[bɛlt],belt sth 'down (AmE, informal)1.to drink sth quickly很快喝掉:He belted down his beer.他把啤酒一饮而尽。[synonym]knock sth back[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,belt 'out sth; ,belt it/them 'out (informal)2.if you belt out a song or a piece of music, you sing or play it very loudly高声唱歌(或奏乐) :Nobody can belt out a tune like she can.没人有她那么响亮的歌喉。A radio belted out pop music.收音机高声播放出流行音乐。3.[NOTE]A noun must always follow out, but a pronoun comes between the verb and out .名词必须放在out 之后,但代词放在动词和out 之间。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv,belt 'up (BrE, informal) 4.(spoken) used to tell sb not very politely to be quiet住口;闭嘴:Belt up, will you? 你安静点行不行?[synonym]shut up (informal)5.to fasten the belt that you wear in a car to keep you in your seat if there is an accident (aseat belt) 系上安全带[synonym]buckle up[G]v+adv
13bendbendbend[bɛnd](bent,bent) ,bend 'down 1.to lean down低下;垂下;向下弯:He bent down and kissed her on the cheek.他低下头吻了她的面颊。[G]v+adv,bend 'over; ,bend 'over sth 2.to lean over; to bend from the waist俯身; 弯腰:Bend over and touch your toes.弯下腰触摸你的脚指。He was bending over his desk, writing.他正伏案写字。[G]v+adv ◆ v+prepbend over 'backwards (to do sth) 3.to do everything you can or make a great effort to do sth, especially to help sb尽一切努力,竭力(做某事、帮助某人):We bend over backwards to be fair to all the children.我们尽力公平对待所有的孩子。
14betbetbet[bɛt](betting,bet,bet or less frequent betting,betted,betted) 'bet on sth;'bet on sb doing sth 1.to rely on sth or on sb doing sth and expect it to happen相信;对…有把握;指望(某人做某事) :‘Do you think she’ll come?’ ‘I wouldn’t bet on it }(= I don’t think it is very likely)&b{.“你觉得她会来吗?”“难说。”Don’t bet on me still being here when you get back! 别以为你回来的时候我还会在这里![synonym]count on sb/sth,count on doing sth,count on sb/sth doing sth[G]v+prep
15billbillbill[bɪl]'bill sb/sth as sth 1.to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to advertise sb/sth as sth(把人或事物)说成是…,宣传为…:Some patients are receiving what has been billed as a revolutionary treatment.有些病人正在接受所谓的革命性治疗。The concert was billed as ‘A Night of Magic’.这场音乐会被宣传成“魅力之夜”。[G]v+n/pron+prep
16bindbindbind[bʌɪnd](bound,bound) ,bind sb 'over (law)1.to warn sb that they will have to appear in court if they break the law again令某人具结保证(不再违法):He was bound over to keep the peace.他被责令具保不再闹事。2.[NOTE]Bind sb over is usually used in the passive. bind sb over 通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'bind sb to sth ( formal) 3.to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it or making it part of a legal document迫使(某人)许诺(某事);(用法律文书)约束:The company directors are bound to secrecy }(= they have promised not to say anything)&b{ about the future of the company.公司董事们许诺对公司的未来保密。The band found they were bound to the contract.乐队发现他们为合同所约束。4.[NOTE]Bind sb to sth is usually used in the passive. bind sb to sth 通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep,bind sth 'up (with sth) 5.to tie a long thin piece of fabric around sth to protect it(用长布条)缠绕:She bound up his wounds with bandages.她用绷带把他的伤口包扎好。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+advbe bound 'up in sth 6.to be very busy with sth;to be very interested or involved in sth忙于,热中于(某事):He’s too bound up in his work to have much time for his children.他工作太忙,没有多少时间留给孩子。bound 'up with sth7.closely connected with sth与(某事物)紧密相连:The history of the company is closely bound up with the history of the Grant family.公司的历史与克灵顿家族的历史密切相关。
17bitebitebite[bʌɪt](bit,bitten) 'bite at sth 1.to try to bite sth试图咬…:The dog bit at the boy’s hand.狗想去咬男孩的手。[G]v+prep,bite 'back (at sb/sth) 2.to react when sb has harmed you and try to harm or criticize them反击;反驳:If you criticize him, he’ll bite back.你若批评他,他会反驳的。[synonym]hit back (at sb/sth)[G]v+adv,bite sth 'back 3.to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing how you feel忍住不说出某事;不流露情感:She struggled to bite back the tears of disappointment.她努力克制着不让失望的眼泪流下来。Mike bit back his anger.迈克按捺住怒火。The word ‘idiot’ came into her head, but she bit it back.她想到了“白痴”这个词,可她忍住没有说出来。[OBJ]words,anger,retort[synonym]suppress sth4.[NOTE]Bite sth back is not used in the passive. bite sth back 不用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),bite 'into sth 5.to cut or press into the surface of sth咬(或切、压、陷)入某物:The collar bit into his neck.他的衣领勒脖子了。[synonym]cut into sth6.to have an unpleasant effect on sth, especially by making it smaller产生不良影响;(尤指)使缩小;压缩:The recession is biting into our profits.经济衰退对我们的收益产生负面影响。[G]v+prep,bite sth 'off 7.to cut sth off by biting it咬下;咬掉:She bit off a piece of chocolate.她咬下一块巧克力。His finger had been bitten off by a dog.他的手指让狗咬了。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+advbite/snap sb’s 'head off (informal)8.to shout at sb or speak to them angrily, often for no good reason(无充分理由)怒斥某人:I only asked him when the work would be finished and he almost bit my head off.我只是问了问什么时候能把活干完,他就冲我大喊大叫。bite off more than you can 'chew (informal) 9.to try to do too much or sth that is too difficult for you想一口吃成胖子;不自量力:This time he’s bitten off more than he can chew.这一次他胃口太大, 难以应付了。I, etc. could have bitten my/his/her'tongue off/out 10.used to say that you wish you hadn’t said sth that you have just said(表示后悔刚说过的话)真该死,真不该:Sam looked hurt and Maria could have bitten her tongue off.萨姆那副受到伤害的表情令玛丽亚对自己的话懊悔不已。
18blackblackblack[blak],black 'out 1.to lose consciousness or lose your memory for a short time暂时失去知觉(或记忆) ; 晕眩; 昏厥:The pain hit him and he blacked out.他疼得昏了过去。[G]v+adv'blackout n 2.a temporary loss of consciousness or of memory暂时失去知觉(或记忆);晕眩:When did you start having these blackouts? 你何时开始有这些短暂昏厥的?see also BLACKOUT at BLACK STH OUT,black sth 'out 3.to turn out lights completely or cover windows, etc. so that light cannot be seen from outside关掉(某处)的灯;使(某处)不透光:blacked out windows/houses 不透光的窗户;黑暗的房子The city was often blacked out}(= there were no lights because there was no electricity)&b{ by power cuts.停电常常造成这城市一片漆黑。[OBJ]window,city4.[NOTE]Black sth out is often used in the passive. black sth out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)'blackout 5.(especially BrE) (in the past) a period of time during a war when the streets and buildings were kept as dark as possible so that the enemy could not see what to bomb(旧时)灯火管制期6.[usually pl.] (BrE) a covering for windows that stops light from outside coming in,or that stops bright light being seen from outside遮光窗罩(或窗帘):blackout material 窗户遮光材料7.(also 'outage AmE) a period of time when the electricity supply to a place stops completely断电;停电8.[NOTE]This is now the most common meaning of blackout . 这是blackout目前最常见的含义。9.a situation when the government or the police prevent a radio or television programme from being broadcast, or do not allow some news or information to be given to the public(电台或电视节目的)禁止播放;新闻封锁:The government have been accused of maintaining a news blackout over election fraud.有人指责政府封锁有关选举舞弊的新闻报道。see also BLACKOUT at BLACK OUT
19blankblankblank[blaŋk],blank 'out (AmE, informal)1.if you or your mindblanks out, you can’t remember anything or you become confused忘掉一切;变得煳涂:I hope I don’t blank out in the exam.但愿我考试时脑子里不会一片空白。2.[NOTE]Blank has the same meaning. blank 表达相同含义。[G]v+adv,blank sth 'out 3.to deliberately forget sth unpleasant刻意忘记某事;抹去…的记忆:Your childhood may have been difficult but you can’t just blank it out.一个人的童年或许艰难,但不能就从记忆中抹去。4.to cover sth written or printed, for example, with black ink so that it cannot be read把(书写或印刷文字)掩盖,遮盖:All the names in the report had been blanked out.报告中所有的名字都已涂掉。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)
20blareblareblare[blɛ:],blare 'out; ,blare sth 'out 1.if music blares out, or a radio, etc. blares out music, it is produced or played very loudly(音乐)声音响亮;(收音机等)高声播出(音乐) :Music was blaring out from somewhere.轰鸣的音乐从某处传出来。The radio was blaring out rock music.收音机播放着吵闹的摇磙乐。[synonym]blast out,blast sth out (less frequent)[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv



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