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strikestrike[strʌɪk](struck,struck , AmE also struck,stricken) 'strike at sb/sth 1.to try to hit sb/sth, especially with a weapon﹙ 用武器﹚ 朝…打去:She screamed and struck at the wolf with a stick.她尖叫着用棍子朝那只狼打去。2.to cause damage or have a serious effect on sb/sth损害;有损于;严重影响到:The proposals struck at the roots of community life.这些提议动摇了社区生活的根基。This legislation strikes at the most vulnerable people in society.这项法规损害了社会上最弱势群体的利益。[G]v+prep,strike 'back (at/against sb/sth) 3.to criticize or attack sb who has criticized or attacked you反击; 回击:Sarah used the article to strike back at her critics.萨拉借这篇文章反击批评她的人。[synonym]hit back (at sb/sth)[G]v+adv,strike sb 'down (formal)4.if a disease strikes sb down, it kills them or makes them seriously ill﹙疾病﹚使丧命,使病倒,摧垮:She was struck down by polio at the age of four.她四岁那年因小儿麻痺症死去。I was struck down by flu and had to cancel the trip.我得了流感,不得不取消旅行。5.to hit sb very hard so that they fall to the ground; to kill sb击倒,撞倒﹙某人﹚;使丧命:Fights broke out near the shop and one girl was struck down by a handbag.商店附近发生了打斗,一名女孩被一只手提包击倒。the spot where Kennedy was struck down 肯尼迪遇刺的地点6.[NOTE]Strike sb down is often used in the passive.strike sb down 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,strike sth 'down (especially AmE)7.to reject sth;to make sth no longer valid取消;废止;废除:Only the Supreme Court has the power to strike down this legislation.只有最高法院有权废除这项法规。Parents tried to have the dance ban struck down.父母们试图使跳舞禁令得以取消。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,strike 'off=STRIKE OUT 3,strike sb/sth 'off; ,strike sb/sth 'off sth (BrE)8.to remove sb’s name from the list of members of a profession so that they can no longer work in that profession把某人﹙从某专业中﹚除名;取消…资格:She was struck off for professional misconduct.她因为渎职被除名了。These doctors should be struck off the medical register.这些医生应该被取消行医资格。I’m going to strike Ashok off my guest list for the party.我要把阿肖克从宴请名单上画掉。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,strike sth 'off (formal)9.to remove sth with a sharp blow; to cut sth off打掉;砍掉;砍下:They struck off his head with a sword.他们用剑削掉了他的脑袋。[synonym]chop sth off (less formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,strike 'out 10.(at sb/sth) to aim a violent blow at sb猛打:He struck out at me with his fist.他给了我一记重拳。[synonym]hit out (at sb/sth) 11.to start being independent and do sth new独立出去;自立谋生:Sanjay left the firm and struck out on his own.桑杰离开了公司自己开业。12.(also ,strike 'off less frequent) [+adv/prep ] to start to go somewhere in a determined way毅然走向﹙某处﹚:He struck out across the fields towards the farmhouse.他大步流星地穿过田地朝农舍走去。13.(with sb) (AmE, informal) to fail; to be unsuccessful失败;砸锅:I tried to get a job but struck out completely.我努力想找份工作,可是彻底失败了。He must have struck out with her because he came home early.他肯定和她没戏了,因为他很早就回家了。14.(at sb/sth) to criticize sb/sth, especially publicly﹙尤指公开﹚抨击:striking out at your critics 驳斥别人对你的批评[synonym]hit out (at sb/sth)[G]v+adv,strike 'out; ,strike sb 'out (AmE)15.(in baseball棒球) to fail to hit the ball successfully three times and so finish your turn; to make sb do this﹙使﹚三击不中出局:He struck out in the third inning.他在第三局三击不中出局了。The pitcher struck out three batters.投手使三名击球员三击未中出局。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,strike sth 'out/ 'through (especially BrE)16.to remove sth from a text or a list by drawing a line through it画掉;删去:I struck out some words to make the telegram shorter.我删掉一些字,把电报压缩了一下。He insisted that I strike out all references to his family.他坚持要我删掉所有提及他的家庭的内容。[synonym]cross sth out/through[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,strike 'up(with sth), ,strike 'up sth 17.if a band or an orchestra strike up, they begin to play﹙流行音乐乐队或管弦乐队﹚开始演奏:Everyone was waiting for the band to strike up.大家都在等着乐队开始演奏。The orchestra struck up a lively tune.管弦乐队奏起一支欢快的曲子。[OBJ]tune[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n,strike 'up sth (with sb) 18.to begin a friendship,a relationship, a conversation, etc. with sb﹙和某人﹚建立友谊,开始来往,交谈起来:My mother will strike up a conversation with anyone she meets.我母亲逮谁跟谁聊。Children of the same age don’t always strike up friendships (with each other).同龄的孩子不一定会成为朋友。[OBJ]conversation,friendship,relationship[G]v+adv+n

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