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stringstring[strɪŋ](strung,strung) ,string a'long (with sb) (informal)1.to go somewhere or do sth with sb else, especially because you have nothing else to do﹙闲时﹚伴随﹙某人﹚ :I’m free this morning. Can I string along with you when you go to the shops? 我今天上午有空。能跟你去商店吗?[synonym]tag along (behind/with sb)[G]v+adv,string sb a'long (informal)2.to allow sb to believe sth that is not true for a long period of time,especially when you encourage them to have false hopes一直让某人相信﹙不真实的事﹚:They never really intended to give her a job. They were just stringing her along.他们从未真正想过要给她一份工作。他们只不过是吊吊她的胃口。He strung her along for years and then married somebody else.他耍弄了她好几年,后来却娶了别人。[G]v+n/pron+adv,string 'out (across/along sth) 3.to spread out in a line分开成一列:As we climbed, we tended to string out, with the fittest people taking the lead.我们爬山时一般会拉长阵线,由最强壮的人领头。[G]v+adv,string sth 'out 4.to make sth last longer than expected or necessary延长;把…的时间拖长:I didn’t want to string out the argument.我无意把这场辩论拖延下去。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,string sth to'gether 5.to combine words,phrases, sentences, etc. to form sth that has some meaning把﹙单词、短语、句子等﹚联成有意义的单位:I can barely string together two words of German.我勉强懂得说一两句德语。The report should be written by somebody who can string two sentences together.这份报告应该让会摆弄文笔的人来写。[OBJ]words,a sentence6.to join a series of things together把﹙一系列事物﹚连接起来:pearls strung together on a necklace穿在项链上的珍珠The student of kung fu learns various movements that are then strung together.学功夫的人先学会各种基本动作,然后组合成一套一套的动作。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,string sb 'up (informal)7.to kill sb by hanging them, especially illegally﹙尤指非法地﹚吊死某人:They’ll string him up if they catch him.他们一抓住他,就会把他吊死。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,string sth 'up 8.to hang or tie sth in place悬挂;系起:She strung up a banner saying ‘Happy 40th Birthday’.她挂起一条横幅, 上面写着“ 祝贺40 大寿”。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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