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sweatsweat[swɛt],sweat sth 'off 1.to lose weight by doing a lot of hard exercise to make yourself hot and produce sweat通过排汗减轻体重:I sweated off the extra weight by playing squash every day.我每天靠打壁球出一身汗减掉多余的体重。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),sweat sth 'out2.to get rid of a cold, fever, etc. by staying warm so that you produce sweat通过发汗治好感冒﹙或发烧等﹚:Whenever I get a bad fever I go to bed and sweat it out.我一发高烧就卧床发发汗把它治好。[OBJ]cold,fever 3.,sweat it 'out to wait for sth that you feel nervous or anxious about to happen or to end熬过;焦急地等待到最后:They made us sweat it out for two hours until the result was announced.他们让我们苦等了两个钟头才宣布结果。4.[NOTE]Sweat sth out is not used in the passive.sweat sth out 不用于被动语态。[G]v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent)'sweat over sth (informal)5.to work very hard on sth; to spend a lot of time doing sth or worrying about sth努力做某事;耗费时间做﹙或操心﹚某事:I’ve been sweating over my letter of resignation for several days.我已经花了几天时间写辞职信了。[G]v+prep

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