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sweepsweep[swiːp](swept,swept) ,sweep sb a'long/a'way 1.to make sb feel very enthusiastic about sth or involved in sth; to affect sb so much they forget everything else使某人醉心﹙或专注于…﹚:Anna was swept along by her father’s enthusiasm.父亲的热情使安娜也激动起来。[synonym]carry sb along;be/get carried away2.[NOTE]Sweep sb along/away is usually used in the passive. sweep sb along/away通常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv,sweep sb a'side 3.to defeat sb easily轻易战胜某人:United swept Liverpool aside with ease.联队轻而易举地把利物浦队打败。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,sweep sth a'side 4.to ignore sth; to treat sth as though it is not important对…置之不理;不理会;无视:All their objections were swept aside.没人理会他们的所有反对。She sweeps aside every suggestion I make.她把我的所有建议都当成了耳边风。[OBJ]objections,protests,restrictions,opposition,criticism5.[NOTE]Sweep sth aside is often used in the passive. sweep sth aside 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,sweep sb a'way=SWEEP SB ALONG/AWAY,sweep sth a'way 6.to destroy or get rid of sth completely消灭;彻底消除;完全打消:The President’s speech swept away all our doubts.总统的讲话消除了我们的一切疑虑。Poverty will be swept away! 贫穷将被消灭!The old way of life has been swept away by the electronic revolution.电子革命使旧的生活方式不复存在。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,sweep sth 'back/ 'up 7.if you sweep your hairback or up, you brush or push it away from your face﹙把头发﹚往后梳理,梳到头上:She swept her hair back from her face with both hands.她用双手把头发从面颊抹到后面。Long hair can be swept up on top of your head.长头发可以盘在头上。[OBJ]hair[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,sweep sth 'off; ,sweep sth 'off sth 8.to remove sth from somewhere, especially by brushing with your hands, a brush, etc.﹙从…﹚扫走…,擦掉…:He swept the crumbs off the table.他把桌上的麵包屑扫掉。(figurative) The wind swept her hat off.风把她的帽子吹走了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+prep,sweep sb off their 'feet 9.to make sb fall suddenly and deeply in love with you使某人一见倾心;使某人立刻迷上自己:Maria was swept off her feet by Mark’s charm.马克的魅力使玛丽亚一见倾心。,sweep sth 'out 10.to clean a room, a cupboard, etc.with a large brush with a long handle (a broom )打扫,清扫乾净﹙房间、橱柜等﹚:Brad was busy sweeping out the yard.布拉德忙着扫院子。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,sweep sb 'up 11.to lift sb with a sudden smooth movement一把抱起某人:He ran forward and swept her up in his arms.他跑上前去一把将她抱在怀里。12.to make sb become very involved in sth so that they are unable to think clearly使沉醉于…:The whole country was swept up in the excitement.全国上下都沉浸在兴奋的气氛中。[synonym]be/get caught up (in sth)13.[NOTE]Sweep sb up is often used in the passive in this meaning.sweep sb up作此义时常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare),sweep 'up; ,sweep sth 'up 14.to remove dust,dirt, etc. from a floor with a brush扫地;清扫﹙灰尘等﹚:We had to sweep up before we left.我们临走之前得清扫地板。We’d better sweep up all the bits of broken glass quickly.我们最好快点把玻璃碴子扫乾净。[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,sweep sth 'up=SWEEP STH BACK/UP

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