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trusttrust[trʌst]'trust in sb/sth (formal)1.to have confidence in sb/sth; to rely on sb completely相信,信任,信赖﹙人或事物﹚:I was scared before the operation, but I trusted in the skill of the doctors and nurses.手术之前我很害怕,但我相信医生和护士的技术。He urged them to trust in God.他鼓励他们相信上帝。[OBJ]God[G]v+prep'trust to sb/sth 2.to leave the result or progress of events to be decided by luck, chance, etc.,because there is nothing or no one else to help you依靠,依赖﹙运气、机会等﹚:I stumbled along in the dark, trusting to luck to find the right door.我摸黑跌跌撞撞地往前走,全凭运气去找对门。[OBJ]luck[G]v+prep'trust sb with sb/sth 3.to give sb/sth to a person to take care of because you believe they will be careful with them/it託付;託交;把……委託给某人照管:Would you trust her with the children?你把孩子们交给她照看好吗?I’d trust him with my life.他是我可以託付终身的人。[G]v+n/pron+prep

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