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trytry[trʌɪ](tries,trying,tried,tried) ,try 'back; ,try sb 'back (AmE)1.to telephone sb again when you have already telephoned them but have not managed to speak to them﹙给某人﹚再打电话:Can you try back later? 你过会儿再打过来好吗?She’s not there. I’ll have to try her back after lunch.她不在。我只好等午饭之后再给她打电话。[synonym]phone back,phone sb back (especially BrE), call back,call sb back[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'try for sth (especially BrE)2.to make an attempt to get or win sth试图获得; 力争赢得:Are you going to try for that job? 你打算争取那份工作吗?They’ve been trying for a baby for several years now }(= the woman has been trying to become pregnant)&b{.他们试了几年时间想怀上孩子。[OBJ]a baby[G]v+prep,try it 'on (with sb)3.(informal, disapproving, especially BrE) to behave badly towards sb or try to get sth from them just to see what you can do before they become angry or stop you摸﹙别人的﹚脾气:The kids sometimes try it on with a new babysitter.小孩子有时会摸摸新保姆的脾气。[G]v+it+adv'try-on n 4.(BrE) an act of trying to behave badly and hoping that no one will stop you﹙对别人脾气的﹚摸底,探索,try sth 'on5.to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks试穿﹙衣物﹚:Can I try on the blue one? 我能试试那件蓝色的吗?If you like it, why don’t you try it on? 你如果喜欢,为什么不试穿一下呢?[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,try 'out (for sth) (especially AmE) 6.to compete for a place in a sports team, a part in a play, etc.参加﹙……的﹚选拔;参加﹙……的﹚试演:He tried out for the school band.他参加了学校乐队的甄选。It’s a pretty good team. I think I’ll try out.那个队很不错。我想我要去参加选拔。[G]v+adv'try-out n 7.(AmE) a test, etc. to choose players for a team, actors for a play, etc.选拔;试演:The team is holding try-outs this Thursday.这个队将于本周四进行选拔。Did you have a try-out for the school play? 你参加学校戏剧演员甄选了吗?see also TRY-OUT at TRY SB/STH OUT (ON SB),try sb/sth 'out (on sb) 8.to test sb/sth to see how good and useful they are or how suitable for a particular task or purpose before you decide to use them/it试用﹙某人﹚;测试;试验:We’ve been trying out some new musicians for our band.我们一直在为我们的乐队试用一些新乐手。He couldn’t wait to try out his new invention.他迫不及待地想试验一下他的新发明。I’ve got an idea I’d like to try out on you.我有个想法,想在你身上试试。The drug has not been tried out on humans yet.这种药尚未进行人体试验。[synonym]test sth out (on sb/sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'try-out n 9.an act of testing how good or suitable sb/sth is before you decide to use them/it试用;试验;测试:The play had an out-of-town try-out in Oxford.这个剧在牛津进行了跨区试演。see also TRY-OUT at TRY OUT (FOR STH)

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