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carecare[kɛː]'care for sb 1.to like or love sb喜欢,爱(某人):I care deeply for you.我非常爱你。2.Care for sb can be used in the passive. care for sb 可用于被动语态:I just want to be loved and cared for by somebody.我只是想有人爱我,在乎我。[G]v+prep'care for sb/sth 3.to take care of and be responsible for sb who is very young, old or sick, etc. or for sth that is in danger or could be damaged照顾,照料,保护(人或事物):The nurses give advice to the patients and those who care for them.护士给病人和陪护人员提出建议。She cares for several children with special needs.她照看着几个需要特别照顾的儿童。The company is committed to caring for the environment.公司承诺保护环境。[OBJ]children,the sick,the elderly4.In this meaning care for sb/sth can be used in the passive. care for sb/sth 作此义时可用于被动语态:The children were all clean and well cared for.孩子们都乾乾净净,照料得不错。see also LOOK AFTER SB/STH/YOURSELF;LOOK AFTER STH 5.not care for sb/sth (formal) to not like sb/sth very much不太喜欢:I don’t care for opera.我不大喜欢歌剧。[G]v+prepwould you care for ... (formal)6.used to ask sb if they would like sth to eat or drink你想来点(吃或喝的东西)吗:Would you care for a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?un'cared for adj 7.not looked after; neglected无人照看的;被忽视的:The children looked dirty and uncared for.孩子们看上去脏兮兮的,没人照料。uncared-for gardens 疏于管理的园子

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