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carrycarry[ˈkari](carries,carrying,carried,carried) ,carry sth a'round (also ,carry sth a'bout/'round especially BrE) 1.(with you) to take sth from one place to another; to take sth everywhere with you(随身)带着某物:I don’t want to carry this bag about with me all day.我不想成天提着这个包到处走。The CD player is light enough to carry around in your pocket.CD机很轻,可以放在衣袋里随身携带。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,carry sb/sth a'long 2.to take or move sb/sth forward把…往前带(或移动):His body had been carried along by the river.他的躯体被河水冲走了。The crowd was so thick that she was carried along with it.人群挤得水泄不通,她只能随着他们移动。(figurative) His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.他巨大的热情深深地感染了我们。[G]v+n/pron+adv,carry sb/sth a'way/ 'off 3.to support the weight of sb/sth and take them/it away把… 抬走;把… 冲 走:A strong current carried the dinghy away.一阵激流把小艇卷走了。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+nbe/get ,carried a'way 4.to be so excited and enthusiastic about sth that you lose control of your feelings and may behave in a silly or thoughtless way忘形;忘乎所以:I got so carried away with shopping that I completely forgot the time.我只顾购物,完全忘记了时间。Don’t get carried away — it’s not that exciting.别兴奋得失态了─没那么令人激动。[G]be/get+v+adv,carry sb 'back (to sth)5.to remind sb of sth that happened in the past使回想起;使回忆:The song carried her back to her childhood.这首歌勾起了她童年的回忆。[synonym]take sb back (to sth)[G]v+n/pron+adv,carry sth 'forward 6.(also ,carry sth 'over)(finance) to move a total sum of money, or a total amount, from one page or column to the next, or from one week or year to the next(金额或总数等)转(下页等);结转(下期等):The figures were carried forward from the previous page.这些数字是从前一页转过来的。[synonym]bring sth forward7.[NOTE]In this meaning carry sth forward is often used in the passive. carry sth forward 作此义时常用于被动语态。8.to help sth to make progress or succeed推进;推动…发展:She will carry the project forward after I leave.我离开之后将由她推动这个项目。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,carry sb 'off 9.if a disease carries sb off, they die as a result of it(疾病)把某人带走:She was carried off by the epidemic.她在这场流行病中走了。10.to capture sb抓捕;抓获:The enemy carried off many prisoners.敌人抓走了很多俘虏。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,carry sb/sth 'off =CARRY SB/STH AWAY/OFF,carry sth 'off 11.to win sth赢得;获得:She carried off most of the prizes.她赢得了大多数奖项。12.to succeed in doing sth difficult; to deal with a difficult situation successfully成功地对付,不费劲地处理(困难的事):She’s the only person I know who can wear a dress like that and carry it off ! 我认识的人中她是唯一能若无其事地穿着那样的裙子的![G]1 v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent) 2 v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n,carry 'on 13.(with sth) (also ,carry 'on doing sth)(especially BrE) to continue doing sth or moving in a particular direction, without stopping继续做;继续(向…)移动:Carry on working/with your work while I’m away.我不在时你要继续工作。If she carries on shoplifting, she’ll end up in jail.她如果还在店铺里偷东西,最终会被抓进监狱的。She ignored me and carried on writing.她不理睬我,继续写东西。I called out to him, but he carried on down the road.我喊了他一声,可他继续沿着路走了。[synonym]go on,go on doing sthsee also CARRY STH ON 1 14.to manage to continue living or working in your usual way in spite of difficult or unpleasant circumstances坚持如常生活(或工作):Life carried on as usual after the fire.火灾之后人们如常地生活。We’re all going to carry on as if nothing has happened.我们大家要像没发生过什么事一样坚持工作。[synonym]go on;continue15.(with sth) to continue speaking or doing sth after a short pause(停顿之后) 继续讲话(或做某事) :‘Well’, she carried on, ‘then I realized where I’d met him before!’ “啊,”她接着说,“接着我意识到是在哪儿见过他的!”Ted looked up briefly, then carried on with what he was doing.特德抬头看了看,然后继续干他的活。[synonym]go on (with sth)16.to last for a particular time持续,延续(一段时间):How long can this situation carry on? 这种状况能持续多久?[synonym]go on;last17.(at sb) (about sth) (informal) to argue, quarrel or complain noisily; to make a fuss争吵;吵闹;(向某人)大声抱怨(…):Stop carrying on about how hard your life is.不要再嚷嚷你生活得如何艰难了。How long are they going to be shouting and carrying on like that? 他们这么大吵大闹的要多长时间?[synonym]go on (at sb) (about sth) 18.(with sb) (old-fashioned,informal) to have a sexual relationship with sb(与…)有性关系:She’s carrying on with her boss.她和她的老板关系暧昧。[G]v+adv1 }also v+adv+-ing3 also&b{ v+adv+speech'carry-on n 19.[usually sing.] (BrE, informal)excited or noisy behaviour over sth that is not important; a fuss忙乱; 吵闹; 大惊小怪20.(AmE) a small bag or case that you carry onto a plane with you随身行李:I’m travelling light — I just have a carry-on.我旅行带的东西很少─只有一只小提箱。Do you have any carry-on luggage? 你有随身行李吗?,carry sth 'on 21.to continue sth, especially sth that sb else has begun继续,承接(他人做的事) ; 继承:Our children will carry this tradition on after us.我们的子孙会继承这一传统。see also CARRY ON 1 22.,carry 'on sth, ,carry it/them 'on to do the activity mentioned从事(某活动) :We’re trying to carry on a very important conversation! 我们正要进行一次很重要的谈话呢!They carried on a correspondence for over forty years.他们通了四十多年的信。to carry on a business/trade 经营业务/生意[OBJ]conversation,correspondence,business[synonym]conduct sth23.[NOTE]A noun must always followon, but a pronoun comes between the verb andon .名词必须放在on 之后,但代词放在动词和on 之间。[G]1 v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv 2 v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv,carry sth 'out 24.to do sth that you said you would do or that you have been asked to do履行;实施;执行;落实:to carry out a plan/a promise/an order 把计划/承诺/命令付诸行动He had no intention of carrying out his threats.他并不想做他威胁要做的事。She had carried out all his instructions.她执行了他的所有命令。[OBJ]threat,promise,order 25.to do and complete a task完成(任务):to carry out a survey/an investigation 进行民意测验/调查to carry out repairs/checks/tests 进行维修/检查/试验to carry out research 进行研究It is not yet clear who carried out the attack.还没弄清楚是谁发动攻击的。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (less frequent)'carry-out n (AmE, ScotE)26.a meal that you buy cooked from a restaurant and take away to eat somewhere else外卖:Let’s get a carry-out.我们来份外卖吧。,carry sth 'over 27.to delay sth until a later time延迟; 延期:The game had to be carried over until Wednesday.比赛要推迟到星期三。You can carry over 4 days’ leave to next year.你可以把4天的假期挪到下一年休。[synonym]postpone sth28.to keep sth from one situation and use or deal with it in a new situation运用;应用:You should carry over what you learn in school into your everyday life.你应该把在学校学到的知识运用到日常生活中。29.=CARRY STH FORWARD 1[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv'carry-over n 30.(finance) a total sum of money or an amount that is moved to the next column/page/year, etc.结转金额(或数额) 31.something that is kept from one situation or time and used in another保留备用的事物,carry sth 'round (with you) (especially BrE) =CARRY STH AROUND (WITH YOU),carry 'through (on/with sth) (AmE) 32.to do and finish what you have promised, agreed or arranged to do履行(承诺等):He convinced us that he would carry through with/on his promise.他向我们保证他能履行自己的诺言。[G]v+adv,carry sb 'through; ,carry sb 'through sth33.to help sb to deal with a difficult period帮助…渡过难关:Her determination carried her through.她靠毅力挺了过去。His courage helped to carry them through the difficult times.他的勇气让他们挺过困难的日子。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+prep,carry sth 'through 34.to finish a task, a plan, etc.successfully成功完成;顺利实现:She was determined to carry through her plans.她决心完成计划。Once Helen has started a task, she’ll carry it through to the end.海伦开始一项工作,就会把它进行到底。[OBJ]plan,proposal,decision,reforms[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv

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