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castcast[kɑːst](cast,cast) ,cast a'round (BrE also ,cast a'bout) (for sth) (formal) 1.to look around you to try to find sth; to try very hard to think of sth四处寻找;苦苦思索:He cast about for an escape route.他到处寻找逃生路线。He was desperately casting around for an excuse.他绞尽脑汁找藉口。The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs.公司迫切须要想出各种降低成本的办法。2.[NOTE]This phrasal verb is usually used in written English.这个短语动词通常用于书面语。[G]v+adv,cast sb/sth a'side (formal)3.to get rid of, or give no attention to, sb/sth that you no longer want or need抛弃;丢弃:She just cast him aside when she got bored.她觉得厌烦时就把他撇在一边。She has been able to cast aside }(= stop using)&b{ her wheelchair.她能丢掉轮椅了。[synonym]discard sb/sth[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv,cast sth a'side (formal)4.to throw sth to one side把…丢在一边:He cast aside the newspaper impatiently.他不耐烦地把报纸扔到一边。5.to get rid of feelings, attitudes, etc. that are bad or negative, or that stop you achieving sth消除,祛除(负面的感觉、态度等):He cast aside all his inhibitions.他抛开一切禁忌。The speakers cast modesty aside and talked about their success.演讲者毫不谦虚地大谈他们的成就。[synonym]throw sth aside;toss sth aside (less formal)[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+advbe ,cast a'way (on sth) 6.to be left somewhere after your ship has been destroyed at sea(船遇难后幸存者)流落某处:What would you do if you were cast away on a desert island? 你若被撇在荒岛上会怎么办呢?[G]be+v+adv'castaway n 7.a person whose ship has been destroyed and who has managed to swim to an island, etc.(沉船后)流落到岛屿等的人,cast sth 'back (to sb/sth) 8.to make yourself think about a particular time, a situation in the past, etc.回想;回忆:I cast my mind back to our first meeting all those years ago.我想起多年前我们的初次见面。[OBJ]only your mind [G]v+n+adv,cast sth 'down (literary)9.if you cast your eyesdown, you look down向下看;落下目光:She cast her eyes down modestly while Jack was talking about her.杰克谈及她时她稍稍垂下目光。[OBJ]only eyes [synonym]lower sth (less formal)[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n'downcast (also ,cast 'down less frequent) adj(literary) 10.downcast eyes are looking down(目光)垂下的;向下看的see also DOWNCAST at BE CAST DOWNbe ,cast 'down (by sth) (formal) 11.to be sad or unhappy about sth(因某事)沮丧,不愉快:He is not easily cast down.他很少有情绪低落的时候。[G]be+v+adv'downcast (also ,cast 'down less frequent) adj(literary) 12.sad or unhappy沮丧的;不愉快的:a downcast expression 垂头丧气的表情He looked so downcast I took pity on him.他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。see also DOWNCAST at CAST STH DOWN,cast 'off; ,cast sth 'off 13.to undo the ropes that are holding a boat in position so that it can start to move解缆;解(船);解缆出航14.(in knitting编织) to remove a row of stitches from the needle in a way that will make a finished edge收针:When the scarf is the right length, cast off.围巾编织得够长就收针。[OBJ]stitches[opposite]cast on,cast sth on[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),cast sth 'off (formal)15.to take off a piece of clothing and throw it to one side脱下(衣服)扔到一边:They cast off their clothes and jumped in the pool.他们脱掉衣服就跳进游泳池。[OBJ]jacket,shoes,clothes[synonym]take sth off (less formal)16.to get rid of sth bad or sth that you do not like丢弃; 摆脱:She tried to cast off her upbringing.她努力摆脱童年的影响。It’s time to cast off those winter blues and burst into spring! 该扔掉那些冬天的忧郁投入春天的怀抱了![G]v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare)'cast-off (especially BrE) (AmE usually 'handme- down) n 17.[usually pl.] a piece of clothing that the original owner no longer wants to wear被抛弃的衣物:She’s fed up with wearing her sister’s cast-offs.她厌烦了穿姐姐倒下的衣服。'cast-off adj 18.[only before noun] that the original owner no longer wants to wear or use(衣服等)丢弃的,不再需要的:cast-off clothing 不再穿的衣服cast-off plastic bags 丢弃的塑料袋,cast 'on; ,cast sth 'on 19.(in knitting编织) to make the first row of stitches on a needle, or add new stitches起针; 放针:Cast on and knit 10 rows.起针编织10行。[OBJ]stitches[opposite]cast off,cast sth off[G]v+adv ◆ v+adv+n ◆ v+pron+adv ◆ v+n+adv (rare),cast sb/sth 'out; ,cast sb/sth 'out of sth (formal)20.to drive sb away; to get rid of sb/sth,especially by using force驱逐;赶走:She was cast out by society.她被社会摈弃了。He claimed to be able to cast out demons.他自称能驱魔。The villagers had been cast out of their homes.村民被赶出了家园。21.[NOTE]Cast sb out is often used in the passive. cast sb out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+adv+n ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv+prep'outcast n 22.someone who is rejected and ignored by other people and often has to leave their home and friends被抛弃的人;被冷落的人:She felt like a social outcast.她觉得像是被社会摈弃了。He was treated like an outcast by the other children.他受到其他小朋友的排斥。'outcast adj 23.[only before noun] ignored or not accepted by other people被冷落的;被抛弃的:outcast members of society 社会弃儿,cast sb/sth 'up (on sth) (literary) 24.if the seacasts sb/sth up on the land, it carries them/it in and leaves them/it there(海水)把…冲上岸:A whale bone was cast up on the beach.一副鲸骨架被冲到海滩上。[synonym]wash up,wash sth up (less formal)25.[NOTE]Cast sb/sth up is often used in the passive in this meaning. cast sb/sth up 作此义时常用于被动语态。26.if you cast your eyesup, you look up向上看;抬起目光:She cast her eyes up to the ceiling and sighed.她望着天花板叹了口气。[OBJ]onlyeyes [G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n

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