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catchcatch[katʃ](caught,caught) 'catch at sth/sb 1.to try to get hold of sth quickly试图一把抓住:She tried to catch at a branch but couldn’t reach.她急切地想抓住树枝,但够不着。[OBJ]sb’s hand/arm/sleeve[synonym]clutch at sb/sth;grasp at sth/sb[G]v+prep,catch 'on (informal)2.(to sth) to understand sth;to realize the truth of sth理解;领悟;认识到:He’s very quick to catch on.他领悟能力很强。The students soon caught on to the idea that phrasal verbs are not really difficult.学生们很快就明白到短语动词其实并不难。People are catching on to the fact that he’s a fraud.人们逐渐意识到他是个骗子。[synonym]cotton on (to sth)3.(with sb) to become popular or fashionable受(…)欢迎;流行起来;变得时髦:It’s a good idea, but it’ll never catch on.这是个好主意,但绝对不会受欢迎的。Paying by credit card has only caught on recently here.这里用信用卡付账只是最近才兴起的。3-D films never caught on with a mass audience.立体电影从未真正卖座。[G]v+adv,catch sb 'out 4.to trick sb into making a mistake or doing sth wrong; to discover that sb does not know much or is doing sth wrong挑刺儿;找岔子;刁难:The test isn’t designed to catch you out. It’s to see how much you’ve learnt.这个测验不是故意用来刁难你的,而是为了解你学到了多少东西。The interviewer may try to catch you out with trick questions.主持面试者可能设法用刁钻的问题来难倒你。She reacted like a child caught out in a lie.她的反应就像个说谎被揪住的孩子。5.(especially BrE) if a situation, bad weather etc. catches sb out, it surprises them and puts them into a difficult situation使突陷困境:The snow catches us out every year }(= we are not prepared for it)&b{.大雪每年都让我们猝不及防。Many investors were caught out by the collapse of the company.许多投资者由于这个公司倒闭而突然陷入困境。6.[NOTE]Catch sb out is often used in the passive. catch sb out 常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (less frequent),catch 'up (with sb/sth) (BrE also ,catch sb/sth 'up) 7.to reach sb/sth ahead of you by going faster than them/it赶上,追上(某人或物):She was walking so fast I had to run to catch up (with her).她走得飞快,我必须跑步才能跟上她。The police car finally caught up with the van at the junction.警车最后在交叉路口追上了客货车。8.to reach the same level or standard as sb/sth else that was better or more advanced赶上,达到(某水平):We need to catch up with our competitors in Europe.我们得追上在欧洲的竞争对手。You’ll have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class.你必须努力学习赶上班里其他同学。When I went back to school I found I had a lot of catching up to do.我回到学校时发现我要补很多课程。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv ◆ v+adv+n (rare),catch 'up (with sth) 9.to spend extra time doing all the work, tasks, etc. that you should have done earlier补做(未做的事);赶做;补上:I’m so behind with my paperwork, it’s going to take me a week to catch up.我落下了很多文案工作,要用一周时间补上。10.to find out about things that have happened了解(已发生的事情):Come and stay for a few days, so that we have a chance to catch up.来住几天吧,这样我们就有机会聊一聊。I want to catch up with all your news.我想知道你最近所有的情况。We’ve got a lot of catching up to do after all this time.过了这么长时间,我们彼此有很多情况要通报。see also CATCH UP ON STH[G]v+adv,catch sb 'up (on sth) (AmE) 11.to tell sb about things that have happened通报某人(发生的事):You can catch me up on the news later.你以后再告诉我这件事吧。[G]v+n/pron+adv,catch sb/sth 'up (BrE)12.=CATCH UP (WITH SB/STH) 1 You go ahead. I’ll catch you up.你先走,我随后赶上你。She caught the leader up and then overtook her.她追上了领先的选手并超过了她。13.=CATCH UP (WITH SB/STH) 2This company is the most likely to catch up the market leader.这家公司最有可能赶上市场的主导者。She’s training hard to catch her sister up.她在刻苦训练好赶上她的姐姐。be/get ,caught 'up in sth14.to become involved in an unpleasant event or situation that you cannot escape from被卷入;陷入:A number of tourists got caught up in the riots.若干游客卷入了那场暴乱。children caught up in crime 牵涉到犯罪活动里的儿童Sorry I’m late — I got caught up in a traffic jam.抱歉我来晚了—我遇到了塞车。[OBJ]violence,war,events,traffic 15.to be completely absorbed in an activity, your own feelings, etc.陷入(活动、感情等);被完全吸引:She got caught up in the excitement and drama of the auction.她完全沉浸在拍卖的兴奋和激动场面中。I didn’t hear you come in; I was so caught up in this book.我没听见你进来;我只顾着看这本书。[OBJ]excitement,book[G]be/get+v+adv+prep,catch 'up on sb =CATCH UP WITH SB 2 Old age is catching up on me.岁月不饶人啊。,catch 'up on sth 16.to spend extra time doing all the work, tasks, etc. that you should have done earlier补做(未做的事);赶做;补上:I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.我有许多工作要补做。I spent the weekend catching up on lost sleep.我利用周末补上了缺乏的睡眠。[OBJ]work,sleep 17.to find out about things that have happened了解(已发生的事情):It was good to see Patsy and catch up on all the gossip.见到帕齐并彻底聊一聊真好。see also CATCH UP (WITH STH)[G]v+adv+prep,catch 'up with sb 18.if the police or people in authority catch up with sb, they finally find out that they have done sth wrong and punish them终于查到某人头上:They were involved in burglary for years before the police caught up with them.他们偷盗多年,最终还是给警察逮住了。19.(also catch up on sb less frequent) if sth you have done or sth that has been happening to you catches up with you, it starts to cause you problems that you have so far managed to avoid产生(曾设法避免的)问题:His past is finally catching up with him.他的过去终于开始困扰他了。The late nights were beginning to catch up with her.熬夜开始让她出现不良反应了。20.(informal) to meet sb you have not seen for a while and hear their news和(分别一段时间的人)了解情况:He just wants to rest and catch up with old friends.他只想休息一下,找老朋友叙叙旧。Catch up with you later! 回头找你聊聊!We’ve got a lot of catching up to do after all this time! 过了这么长时间,我们得好好聊聊![OBJ]friends[G]v+adv+prep

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