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answeranswer[ˈɑːnsə],answer 'back1.to defend yourself against sth bad that sb has said about you为自己辩护;答辩:It’s not fair to criticize without giving her the chance to answer back.批评她而不给她机会辩白是不公平的。[G]v+adv,answer 'back; ,answer sb 'back 2.if a childanswers back or answers you back when you are telling them to do sth, for example, they reply rudely顶嘴;回嘴;还嘴:Don’t answer back! 别回嘴!He’s a rude little boy, always answering his mother back.他年纪小脾气倔,总是和母亲顶嘴。[G]v+adv ◆ v+n/pron+adv'answer for sb 3.to speak on behalf of sb and say what they will do or what they think代表…讲话; 代表…的意见:I can’t answer for my colleagues, but I can manage a meeting next week.我不能代表同事们的意见,但我可以在下个星期会面。[synonym]speak for sb4.[NOTE]Answer for sb is usually used in negative sentences. answer for sb 通常用于否定句。[G]v+prep'answer for sth 5.to be responsible for sth bad; to accept the blame for sth承担过失;受责难:She has a lot to answer for.她与很多坏事都脱不了干系。He’s old enough to answer for his own actions.他已经不小了,要对自己的行为承担责任。When it comes to violence among young people, television has a great deal to answer for.说到年轻人的暴力,电视要负很大责任。[OBJ]the consequences,sb’s actions6.to say that you are certain that sb has a particular quality or can be trusted or relied on担保,保证(某人的品质等):I can answer for her honesty.我可以担保她为人诚实。[synonym]vouch for sth[G]v+prep'answer to sb (for sth) 7.to have to explain your actions to sb or show that they are right or reasonable向某人(为某事)负责:You will answer to me for any damage to the car.汽车有任何损坏我都找你负责。If anything happens to her, you’ll have me to answer to.她如果出了任何事,你都得向我交待。[G]v+prep'answer to sth 8.to be called sth; to recognize a name as your own被称作; 名叫:I answer to either Susan or Sue.我名叫苏珊或休。I’m afraid there’s no one here answering to that name .恐怕这里没人叫那个名字。They have a cat answering to the name of Bill.他们有只名叫比尔的猫。[OBJ]only name [G]v+prep

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