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appealappeal[əˈpiːl]ap'peal for sth/sb;ap'peal for sb to do sth1.to make a serious and urgent request for sth or for sth to be done恳求;呼吁:The government has appealed for calm.政府呼吁保持镇静。The police appealed for witnesses to come forward.警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。The victim’s family has appealed for help in tracking down the killer.受害人家属恳求帮助追捕兇手。[OBJ]witnesses,help,information,calm,funds[G]v+prep ◆ v+prep+n/pron+to infap'peal to sb 2.if sth appeals to you, you like it or find it interesting and attractive使感兴趣;对…有吸引力:The ‘Harry Potter’ books appeal to readers of all ages.《哈里·波特》系列的书吸引着不同年龄的读者。The prospect of camping didn’t appeal to me.我对要去露营的想法没有兴趣。[G]v+prepappeal to sth 3.to try to persuade sb to do sth by reminding them that it is a good, reasonable thing to do打动人心:Maybe if you appeal to her better nature }(= her kindness)&b{, you can get her to help.也许你动之以情,就能得到她的帮助。[OBJ]sb’s better nature,sb’s sense of justice[G]v+prep

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