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derivederive[dɪˈrʌɪv]de'rive from sth 1.to come or develop from sth从…衍生出;起源于;来自:The word history derives from the Latin word ‘historia’ meaning story.history一词源自拉丁语的historia,意思是story(故事) 。The criticism derives from a misunderstanding of our aims.这一指责是由对我们目标的误解造成的。[G]v+prepde'rive sth from sth 2.(formal) to get or obtain sth from sth从… 中得到(或获得) … :She derived a great deal of satisfaction from this achievement.她从这一成绩中得到极大的满足。[OBJ]pleasure,satisfaction,information,benefits3.to obtain a substance from sth从…中提取…:These remedies are derived mainly from the natural world.这些药物主要是从自然界的东西提炼出来的。4.to come or develop from sth从…衍生出;起源于;来自:The Rubik cube derives its name from its inventor.Rubik cube(魔方)是以发明人命名的。The name of the mountain appears to be derived from an old Norse word.这座山的名称像是从一个古挪威词衍生出来的。[OBJ]name,word5.[NOTE]In meanings 2 and 3, derive sth from sth is frequently used in the passive. derive sth from sth 作第2 及第3义时常用于被动语态。[G]v+n/pron+prep

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