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descenddescend[dɪˈsɛnd]be des'cended from sb/sth 1.to be related to sb who lived a long time ago是…的后裔(或后代等) :He claimed he was descended from the Vikings.他声称自己是维京人的后裔。[OBJ]ancestors,line,family[G]be+v+prepdes'cend into sth 2.to get into a very bad condition or state陷入…境地:The situation has descended into total chaos.局面变得一片混乱。There were fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war.大家担心国家逐渐陷入动乱,甚至是内战。[G]v+prepdes'cend on sb/sth (also des'cend upon sb/sthmore formal) 3.to arrive somewhere, especially suddenly and unexpectedly and in large numbers(突然)涌到,大批到来:Dozens of police descended on the building.数十名警察突然来到这座大楼。(humorous) My sister and her family are descending on us this weekend.我妹妹全家人这个周末就会涌到我家。4.to go towards sb/sth as if you are going to attack them/it逼近:The mosquitoes descended on us as soon as night fell.夜幕一降临蚊子就扑向我们。(humorous) A large woman in a hat was descending on them.一个戴帽子的高大女子向他们进逼。[G]v+prepdes'cend to sth 5.to do or say sth that makes people lose their respect for you降低身分去做;竟做出;堕落到…地步:If you insult him back, you descend to his level.你如果反过去辱骂他,就是跟他一般见识。[synonym]stoop to sth,stoop to doing sth[G]v+prep

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